Tag: blogging advice

Monetize Your Blog With In Text Advertising
A little while ago I had an email in my account from a service I had forgotten about for a long time. It was Kontera, my in-text advertising program I had signed up with in January 2009. They were letting me know that they had paid me $107.29 in USD for the advertising on my sites […]

My Blog Has Made It To Page 1 Of Google…
I have to write you a quick note to let you know something that makes me very happy indeed: The blog I created step-by-step whilst writing my ebook Affiliate Marketing S.O.S. has made it to Rank #7 on the first page of Google’s SERP’s – for my main long-tail keyword “healthy diet weight loss“! Whoooooooooo!!! […]

Make Money Blogging – The Niche Blogger (2)
Mid September I wrote to you about this awesome program that really shows you how to make money blogging. It is called “The Niche Blogger:. I still can absolutely recommend this program. The reason for this post today though is that Amy Bass (the clever head behind The Niche Blogger) has decided that the price […]

Blogging Advice
Hi all, today a quick post about blogging. As you might have read in one of my earlier posts, I am a member of The Faster Webmaster II, and Erik Stafford, the owner, is a fantastic guy who knows his stuff and is really helpful. I have even emailed him a couple of times personally […]
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