Tag: paintings keywordluv blog

KeywordLuv, CommentLuv and DoFollow – Give And You Will Receive…
A while back I wrote a couple of posts on DoFollow, CommentLuv and KeywordLuv to let you all know that I had installed these plugins to “share the link love” and give back to my avid readers and commentators. I also wrote an earlier post about proper commenting to get backlinks to your site by […]

Get Backlinks To Your Site Or Blog – CommentLuv and KeywordLuv
I have to throw this post in as a follow up on my previous post on how to get backlinks to your site or blog. I have to admit, I have been a little sneaky. I knew what I am about to reveal already before and could have posted it straight away, I just thought […]
KeywordLuv Installed – Happy Commenting!
This is just to let all of my readers and commentators know that I have now also KeywordLuv installed on my blog. I had been thinking about it for a while, but as I do want to encourage the interaction with you all, I decided it will be well worth it.