Tag: scratchback

Thanks Again For Scratching My Back!
As promised, I want to personally thank my official second “Back Scratcher” and give him/her another quality backlink to their site from here. So, Conga Bay Travel, thank you so much for valuing my site and scratching my back! 🙂 It looks like a really nice site, too, worth checking out if a holiday is […]

A Big Thanks To My First “Back Scratcher”!
Today I just wanted to say a big “THANKS” to my very first “Back Scratcher“! A little while ago I put the “Scratchback Widget” on my blog (you can see it in my sidebar), encouraging all of you to “scratch my back” by tipping me and getting a link back to your website in return. […]
Google just updated their PR’s!
Just a quick note today that Google seems to have updated their PR’s (Page Ranks) over night. This blog was a PR2 until yesterday, and today I woke up to a PR3! How cool is that (can you tell I’m excited???)! So – if you are thinking about “scratching my back” with scratchback, this is […]