KeywordLuv Installed – Happy Commenting!

KeywordLuv - Spreading Luv
This is just to let all of my readers and commentators know that I have now also KeywordLuv installed on my blog. I had been thinking about it for a while, but as I do want to encourage the interaction with you all, I decided it will be well worth it.
KeywordLuv will reward all of you who leave a comment on my blog by separating your name from your keywords in the link to your website, giving you improved anchor text. Like, when you leave a comment now, you can do so by putting down, for example,
“Petra@building lists”
and this will then anchor your site to the keywords you have picked, in this case to “building lists“, which will work well for any search engine optimization you are doing for certain keywords.
As you might remember, on this site I have also installed
- the Top Commentator widget, which will list the most active commentators in my sidebar, giving them a valuable do-follow backlink from each page within my blog
- CommentLuv, which will show a commentators last blog post with every comment
- and best of all, the DoFollow plugin, which means that all the links that are on my site from commentators are now being followed by the search engines!
I actually noticed today when I installed it that on my earlier post about dofollow and commentluv that I had promised to install KeywordLuv within the next few days, and now look at me! Shame on me! – But I guess what’s in my favor is that I at least did it now… ๐
So, all that’s left for me to say is “please leave some comments here” and you will be doing some very active SEO!
Category: Announcements
Hi Petra
Thanks for stopping by my blog and casting your vote. I was leaning towards that one also and it is always good to get opinions from other people. I like the information about your plugins and I am going to enhance my site with them also.
I am curious about your header picture. Is that where you live or where you would like to live? My wife and I live in Puerto Rico so we live like that picture.
Have a good one.
Great post, haven’t used the keyword luv plugin as yet myself so would be interested in the feedback as I know some of the fellow students have had good feedback from adding it.
Have a great weekend
.-= Tom´s last blog ..Newbies Nightmare =-.
Nice one, that’s very good information. keep it.
Hey Petra,
It’s refreshing to see someone actually post about the inner workings of their blog, and why they put certain plugins.
And as for the explanations of it all, you’re clearly SEO oriented and know what’s what.
Thanks for this wonderfull post
– Gil
.-= Gil´s last blog ..Personal โ How I Decided to Move Everythingโฆ =-.
@Gil, thanks!
Was searching for massive Keywordluv blogs and glad I stumbled upon this page. Taks a lot Petra…
2nd Anniversary Gifts and Presents
.-= Digital Dreamspace´s last blog ..Microsoft Office 2010 =-.
Hey Petra,
I’ve just actually noticed that my comment luv feed isn’t working properly, so I’m going have to check that out.
You’ve highlighted some really great looking plugins here, so I’ll be checking them out too.
Thanks Petra and keep in touch,
@Andrew, will do! I hope you have subscribed to my feed … ๐
Hi Petra,
I didn’t realize that comments were automatically no follow. Show’s how much I have to learn about WordPress ๐ I just downloaded the dofollow plug in and installed it to my blog.
Thanks! Heidi
.-= Heidi Passey´s last blog ..Learn What Constraints Are Keeping You From Growing Your Online Business =-.
@Heidi, I still discover new things about WordPress all the time, and it is so great to work with it and make your blog better all the time! ๐ Good on you for taking the plunge and making your blog dofollow, I might have to stop by and leave a comment!
Hi Petra,
Thanks for sharing. This sounds like an interesting concept about keywords related to our name.
And thanks heaps for the Do Follow plugin……..I never knew that the comments were set at No Follow before……
Huddson@Enjoy Marketing Online
.-= Huddson Lee@Enjoy Marketing Online´s last blog ..Rich Schefren Presents Six Key Factors To Online Success =-.
Hi Petra,
I have found a plugin that I like that compliments KeywordLuv as well as rewarding your visitors that comment regularly.
If you do a search for Lucia’s Link Love you will find a WordPress Plugin that allows you to set the number of comments someone must leave before they are rewarded with the dofollow attribute.
Thanks for sharing,
.-= Karl Foxley@SEO Blog´s last blog ..MyBlogLog for Blog Traffic and Increased Blog Exposure [lbtt] =-.
@Karl, thanks for sharing that particular plugin! Sounds quite interesting. For the time being I will leave the dofollow attribute for every commentator, though ๐
i just knew, and install commentluv too. thx
mm.. can commentluv join with lucia link love?
@tank, I don’t see why not! I just think that if you use Lucia Link Love, don’t install the “normal” dofollow plugin. – That’s just what I think, though, does anybody know for sure?
Good choice Petra. Now I would just like you to add threaded comments as well and this would be perfect. ๐
.-= Stefan´s last blog ..How to Make the Most of Your Comments =-.
@Stefan, you got me there. What are “threaded” comments (I might look stupid here, but I really would like to know!)
Hi Petra,
Great to see more and more people casting vote for dofollow and encouraging quality commenting. It is not up to Google to determine the quality, it is up to the bloggers! I’m promoting the same concept with my blog for the Blogger Bloggers. Greetings, Matt
.-= Matt @ DofollowCool, Get Blogger Dofollow Links´s last blog ..How to make your Craigslist links Dofollow? =-.
I don’t know much about this, I had seen many blog with commentluv but i had not still use it.
Hi Petra,
this is the first time I have visited your blog and I must say I have learnt a heap of stuff about plug ins already!!
I will definitely be back! ๐ I am one of John Thornhill’s coaching students.
Thank you for the information I am looking forward to coming back and spending some time reading.
Kind Regards
Jacinta Dean
.-= Jacinta Dean´s last blog ..Do You Think We Sabotage Ourselves By Procrastinating? =-.
Hi Jacinta, welcome to my blog! I checked out yours and I like it! You are doing great – I think you got into John’s coaching the time he opened it after i was in, because all the later students got all these nice headers, which we didn’t have yet ๐ Hope you are doing good with the program, I have pretty much finished with it and moved on to other things, but I have learned so much through John, he has really guided me on the right path! I would love you to come back and read a bit more! ๐
@Petra: No, problem. Most of the blogs are still not using threaded comments. If you have a look at my site you will see a “reply”-button beneath every post. When you press this button your comment will be placed just beneath the comment you answered instead of at the bottom.
You can change it under:
Settings -> Discussion -> “Enable threaded (nested) comments”
.-= Stefan´s last blog ..Nya bilder frรฅn Dollhouse sรคsong 2 =-.
@Stefan, thanks so much! I will go straight away and change that – otherwise it is very confusing!
Hi Petra,
What a great way to lead into my comment, first thanks for installing Keyword Luv. I may look into using it on my blog. Next YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED!!! See Gary Simpson’s post on the forun here:
You can see the 25 things I have revealed about myself on my blog,
This sounded like something fun and I hope you will participate (no this is not some scheme).
All the best,
.-= Gene´s last blog ..Take a Time Out =-.
Hi Gene, uuuuuh – 25 things about myself? Of course I am going to participate ๐ sound like a whole heap of fun!!! BTW, I cannot find your post on your blog? – Thanks for tagging me!!
Hi Petra,
You have discovered the 27th thing about me. I am sometimes absent-minded. (It’s because I’m old) I realized this morning (and with fingers crossed) that I had forgotten to publish the post after loading it on my blog. I wanted to contact my “tagged” people before it went live and then I went and forgot to make it live. It is there now, so you can see the real (embarrassed) me.
.-= Gene´s last blog ..I have taken up the Challenge =-.
@Gene, gee, I am glad I am not the only one! You wouldn’t believe how many things slip my mind! ๐ Well, I shall head over and have a read now hehe….
Been reading you dofollow post and still am undecided, then came along this one.
Another I’ve been thinking about… If I can get my head around it that is.
Thanks for the reminder.
@Rob, I was like that for a long time, just couldn’t decide. Because you hear so many things about it taking away “link juice” from your site etc. But I believe that at the end of the day it is all about interaction with your readers, and I do believe in the term “give and you will receive”…. so don’t think about it too long, just do it. ๐
Hi Petra Weiss
I would just like to say this is one of the best plugins for wordpress as I’ve recently just installed it on my blog aswell you can check it out and get some more link link luv from me aswell. I thing This linkluv strategy is good because not every marketer is doing this their still too busy about building links from only one source like Social bookmarking, I think a better solution for long term desired results would be to go for Quality over Quantity of links and mix it up a little what do I mean by this? I mean Variety of Inbound links to your site not just top comments keword luv etc but also social bookmarking, videos and other relevant sites… etc What do you thing could you elaborate on some of these linking methods some more maybe in some of your future posts. Also stop by on my blog for more Link luv I love to share ๐
Sharing is Caring
Codey Hugo
Have you noticed an increase in the number of comments since installed KeywordLuv? I’ve been considering using it on a blog I own and need some honest feedback.
@Tony, as I said before, I haven’t seen a big increase yet, but I am getting a few more than before. And it’s on the up! I think as long as you can handle it (the spam and replying to the comments), I like to keep it to be able to give something back to my readers. I like it.
Hope you don’t mind me going a little off topic, but I was curious as to what extent you have found keywordluv has helped you get more comments…and if they are good comments or just thank you for the post type comments. I found when using this plugin I got a whole heap of “Thanks” type rubbish which didn’t add to my blog at all…it sure did get a lot more people making comments though!
@Mike, I haven’t seen a really significant jump in comments yet, they have gotten a bit more steady, and so far I haven’t had too many spammers yet. Usually they are quite good comments. But we will see how things develop!
I have also installed the do-follow plugin on one of my blogs. But then suddenly I noticed a huge spike in the number of comments and most of them were spammy like “congratulations!”, “good post”, etc. Finally I had to remove the do-follow plugin to stop this spam!!! ;-(
@Dave Richards, I don’t like it either when people use your blog like that. Tank God it hasn’t happened here yet. I just manually approve all comments.
A few weeks ago I found your blog and have been following along quietly. I felt I could give my first comment. Im not sure what to write but that Ive loved reading. Cool website. I intend to continue coming to this website now and again. I have also subscribed to your rss feed for updates.
@Abu, thanks so much! I am very happy that I could provide you with interesting content and that you like my blog so much! ๐ I wish you lots of luck with your site, too!
A few days ago I discovered this website and have been reading along quietly. I decided I should write my opening comment. I dont know exactly what to say except that Ive really enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I intend to keep coming to this site very often. I have also got your feed to get updates.
What if I tell you, I’m just coming across the term “KeywordLuv” today? After reading this post, I’m of the opinion that that is a cool one.
Hi Petra,
Keyword Luv is fantastic. Where did you get the plug in? I’m thinking about getting it but it doesn’t seem to come up in Word Press search box.
Comment Luv and Top Commentators plug ins are great too and I use them.
I’m a bit confused about the Do Follow. Some people who have it complain of spam but i think that you still are able to approve the comments before they show up so that should solve it.
Certainly having a Do Follow plug in will likely increase the amount of comments you get.
.-= Vance @ Learn List Building First´s last blog ..Alex Jeffreys Nixes Gurus Game =-.
Thanks for installing. I dont know how much it does for one though.
.-= alan@my own site´s last blog ..test.docx =-.
Great information about โKeywordLuvโ . i really like this. Thanks for sharing.
I wish I could find the time to write consistantly at my blog, on a day to day basis, like you do. Nicely done! I look forward to your additional article.
I’ve been following your articles for some time now. They are really great, and interesting reads. By the way, absolutely love KeywordLuv!
Good article here and I’m very glad to see you’ve put KeywordLuv to use!
Instead of posting a lot in No-follow blogs and wasting time. We can post in Do-follow blogs,especially with comment luv. It really helps a lot in bringing traffic.
This is very cool ๐
I think that it is a great decision by you… I strongly support keywordluv and it brings me lots of quality comments on my blog…
Other people that are worried about spam probably do not have the time to clear it out, but even if you don’t install it you will get spam anyways from my experience… especially from bots…
Petra, in addition to those benefits of this plug in, I find it easy to address my blogs visitors. Earlier I have to reply to hi “cool t shirts”, hi “florida clinic”… I know its kinda weird but with keywordluv I dont have that problem anymore besides I can give them a keyword if they make a good comment and not a me too run off a mill. I am sure your orientation to SERP would have been improved by this time. keep you posted.
Mack McMillan
.-= Mack@Las Vegas Foreclosures´s last blog ..Commercial Real Estate Bubble =-.
Thank you for this information.
I am new here, and very happy to find this site.
.-= Micky´s last blog ..Bei Rock und Klassik zuhause – Die Akustik Gitarre =-.
Hey petra, seems that installing keywordluv has paid off very well. Many of my friends are bragging that their traffic increased drastically after installing keywordluv and commentluv plugins. This is luring me change my CMS tool to wordpress. I would like to know about the moderation time you spend on this blog. I am sure spammers would recklessly exploit this wonderful tool. So have to think about the time I am going to spend on this before I actually go for it.
.-= Girish@Auckland Car Rental´s last blog ..Rugby World Cup Car Rentals =-.
Hi Petra,
I am using Commentluv and follow on my blog as well. I want to show my readers plenty of luv!
Great looking blog!!
.-= Jim Clary´s last blog ..Video Article Marketing is On The Rise =-.
@Jim, thanks!
Hi Petra,
Thank you for your info about comment luv, You opened my eyes to a great plugin. I have used keyword luv for awhile now and its great. You have a nice blog! Thanks again for the Luv!
~Jim “Lucky” Rogan
.-= Jim@Abu Garcia Reels´s last blog ..Abu Garcia Ambassadeur Reels =-.
Iโve been using keywordluv as my plug in and it has been doing well. It did increase the number of traffics and been getting sensible comments. But still, there are those taking advantage of back links and are making remarks not related to the posts.
Encouraging more comments is a good thing if you focus on the social value of your blog…i.e. if you want to be an A list blogger…but for SEO sorts it doesn’t really make a difference. Still it’s nice to offer those leaving comments a reward.
Nice looking blog, have you noticed an increase in the number of comments since installed KeywordLuv? Iโve been considering using it on a blog I own and need some honest feedback.
@Superhero, I do get lots more comments, and also more spam comments, but they get pretty much taken care of by Akismet.
Petra, thanks for joining the dofollow movement and implementing these amazing plugins for the visitors benefit. I have been thinking on adding a blog to our website. Right now we dont use any cms tool, but i am sure i will pick wordpress just for these plugins ๐
@Michael, you have a great looking website! If I ever get to NZ, I will have to stop by it looks very nice!
keyword Luv is a great plugin.I do have akismet plug in too because it catches most of the spam.wonderful way to get back links!
.-= Allysa@stir crazy popcorn popper´s last blog ..Stir Crazy Popcorn Popper โ A Review =-.
Keywordluv is great, more comments is a good thing for your blog, make it look well read and popular.
keyword luv is the wonderful option to add to your blog. It gives readers incentive to add relevant comments by being rewarded with a backlink.
.-= Vicky@Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts´s last blog ..Saving Your Marriage โ A Proven Method =-.
I like keywordluv. It seems to be an elegant way of allowing your visitors to leave their anchored keywords – not too pushy, yet workable.
.-= Jane@Indoor Tanning Lotion´s last blog ..Indoor Tanning Lotion โ How does it work? =-.
As another blog owner, I very much appreciate
it when webmasters on the net
set up plug ins like the keywordluv plugin.
Building a blog can be so immense,
and bots are making it so hard
to get good links your own website.
I’ve just recently subscribed to your site ,thanks for enabling theKeyword Luvplugin!
Keywordluv is a great plugin. It’s very useful and becuase of the plugin you’ll get even more comments. The only problem is that you should be careful about getting too much spam.
.-= Gary@Make Money Blogging´s last blog ..5 Ways To Become A Better Writer =-.
Hi! My name is David. I’ve been using KeywordLuv to promote my sites for about 4 months now and have stopped social bookmarking. Overall I’ve had fantastic results and recommend this to all newcomers to Internet marketing. Thanks, David
.-= David @Ralph Lauren Boys Polo Shirts´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
These plug-ins really give a good chance to bloggers that are willing to make valuable contributions to get something in return. Thank you for making this available. Have a good one.
More comments = more fresh content for your blogs…kind of, mini fresh content. Still worth it, brings other web masters to your blog who are looking for links.
I found just few bloggers who are willing to share do follow links to their commentators. That’s why I want to say thank you for enabling keyword luv plugin in your blog. Once again, thank you Petra.
.-= Dan@Nerf Raider CS35´s last blog ..The Nerf N-Strike Raider Rapid Fire CS-35 Dart Blaster Shoots Straight and True =-.