Recent Articles

Website Speed – Is Your Website Up To Speed?
Website speed (the time it takes for the pages of your site to load) is getting more and more important in today’s fast paced internet world. A few days ago I noticed something about the website speed of one of my websites whilst I was logged into my Google Adsense account that made me stop […]

What Has Happened To Petra?
This is just a very quick post to let you all know that I have NOT dropped off the planet! I had quite a long period of time where I had no time and no drive to keep posting much on my blog, but I hope that this is over now and I can jump […]

Too Funny Not To Share
This is a very short post, I had this in my inbox from a friend, and I found it so funny I had to share it with you. To whomever shot this photo – hats off what a great shot!! Let me introduce you to — The Inbread Jack Russell!!!! – Please share him if […]

Fallen Victim To Google Penguin!
Google Penguin has claimed at least one victim… It has finally happened, even though I think it’s not fair! 🙁 haha! I have fallen victim to the latest Google algorithm update that happened a couple of weeks ago, called “Penguin” (not “Panda” – that was last years big update!).

WordPress Classroom – Get On Board Before The Price Rise!
WordPress Guide Hi guys, I just received an email in my inbox from Matt Wolfe, one of the few Internet Marketers out there I hugely respect. He is the creator of the best WordPress Guide out there (in my humble opinion, anyway!) the WordPress Classroom. It’s an easy to understand, easy to follow, all video […]

Blog Spring Cleaning – Do Some Pruning!
Blog Spring Cleaning Yes, you have read right – even a blog needs spring cleaning and pruning at times. [“To prune”: the objective of pruning is to produce strong, healthy, attractive plants] You see, a blog does represent you on the web. You want to stay in favor in the search engines and be clean, […]

Bloggers Block! – Another One Bites The Dust?
Bloggers Block Oh my, what a mess!!! I discovered that the last time I actually did a post on this blog was back in APRIL LAST YEAR! That is nearly a year ago! I am absolutely shocked. I knew it had been a long time, but THAT long? I think I need to explain something; […]

Bump Up Your Niche Site With The Right Backlinks
Whether you believe it or not, I have finally found some time again to work on my websites! I just thought I need to get my days better organized so I can fit a bit of time in each day. So – early mornings it is for me at the moment! What I have started […]
Spam Commenting, Do Follow and KeywordLuv – No More!
It is with regret that I have to inform you that I have made the – very hard – decision today to turn off the “Do Follow” I had going on my comment section, after having it going on my site for over 4 years. I have been so swamped with spam comments and absolute […]