Recent Articles

Best Password Manager
I cannot believe it has been since early December since I posted last. I have to admit that for the past 1/2 year or so I had a bit of a burn out happening. I just couldn’t get the energy back up to do all that needed doing (regarding my internet marketing) in the evening […]

Snowball Fight
I haven’t posted anything remotely funny for a while, and I came across this video on YouTube and thought I am going to share it with you. I love horses (used to ride when I was younger – looooooong time ago), and this video is just great. Hope you like it! Fits in the season, […]

Monetize Your Blog With In Text Advertising
A little while ago I had an email in my account from a service I had forgotten about for a long time. It was Kontera, my in-text advertising program I had signed up with in January 2009. They were letting me know that they had paid me $107.29 in USD for the advertising on my sites […]

Joining Affiliate Programs – Why Less Is More
Hi all, I know I have been neglecting this site – and all my others, too. It has just been so busy in my life lately, my partner and me are running several “offline” businesses, and I am trying to bring all the paperwork up to date, because we are soooo far behind it’s not […]

The Ultimate WordPress Guide – All Videos!
WordPress Guide I am very excited today because I have just come across a WordPress guide that quite blew me away, it is so fantastic! It is called WordPress Classroom 2.o. I absolutely wanted to see what it is all about, because I love WordPress and building blogs and websites with it, I think it’s […]

Build Backlinks To Get The Most Out Of Your Niche Site
If you have been following me along you will know that I have – after many different approaches – finally settled on building niche websites as my way of earning money through the Internet. I have literally come full circle. In February/March 2008 I learned how to build my first niche website from absolute scratch, […]

The “Getting Organized” Of Internet Marketing
Hey everybody, I am back online! Have been for about 3 or so weeks, to be honest. I just had to play “catch up” with my real life, after 5 weeks offline and a business to run it took (and still takes) a lot of time to re-organize and get up to date with everything. […]

I Have Moved – Patience Please!
Just a brief note that me and my family have moved house at the end of last week, and I haven’t got internet access right now. I am writing this post from the public library. I want you all to have patience with me until we are back on track and connected. Thanks!!!

Amazon Affiliate Program – Is It Worth It?
Amazon Affiliate Program Most of us would have heard of the Amazon Affiliate Program, maybe you have even joined it and are trying to make some money with it. That’s what we Affiliate Marketers are here for, after all! 😉 And the Amazon Affiliate Program is one of the biggest and most well known affiliate […]
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