Bloggers Help Each Other Out….

November 30, 2009 | By | 29 Replies More

…..and that’s exactly why I am doing this today.

My online blogger friend from the blog has joined a contest, and because I believe that she is a nice person and bloggers should help each other, I am posting a link for her right here.

Oes tsetnoc

Now, you might be wondering what this is about, and why I am doing this. Instead of me explaining it to you, why don’t you head over to her blog and have a quick read, – who knows, you might be a nice blogger too and lend her a helping hand…?

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Category: Blogging, SEO

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Sites That Link to this Post

  1. SEO Contest Finished – Learn From The Results – | December 22, 2009
  1. hospitalera says:

    Oh Petra, that is sooo sweet of you, I do have tears in my eyes, I promise you I’ll pay it forward! Hey, that could be a new type of SEO, “pay it forward SEO”, promote other sites you find great instead of always promoting my own 😉 I will sure do it with my next posts! SY

  2. Ah, another seo contest?

  3. Roy says:

    I almost didn’t click the link because I thought it was a hospital blog!

    I’ll see if I can help you out on one of my blogs too.

    .-= Roy@Hostgator Coupon HQ´s last blog ..How To Get Hostgator Hosting For $0.01 Using A Coupon =-.

  4. deevan says:

    Cool- didn’t know this was how these contests worked. I just checked in Yahoo Site explorer – she has 1051 backlinks (as of Dec 1, 2009)
    .-= deevan@how much fish oil should I take´s last blog ..Carlson Fish Oil For Kids =-.

  5. David says:

    I’m helping! I’ve added her link and keyword phrase to the bottom of my page!

    • Petra Weiss says:

      @David, that is so cool! I checked it out, you are definitely one of the good guys! 😉 Head over to her blog and leave a comment about it, it will give you a backlink to your site…

  6. hospitalera says:

    Yep and it is actually great fun! SY
    PS A even bigger one coming up soon, I will send the link to Petra, so she can participate / blog about it if she wants.

    • Petra Weiss says:

      Would love to, and thanks for sending me the link, but I have hardly got time to think for myself at the moment, I can’t even look after my blogs…. 🙁

  7. ram says:

    I really appreciate you for this great job.It was really hearttouching.Yes very true sometimes by helping others we feel satisfication.But only few people are there who put their step forward to help others.I am surely going to forward it.Thank you very much for sharing it.

  8. monika says:

    PETRA really you are great are so much concerned about your friend.we will definitely go to her blog she is one of my favorite blogger.

  9. Vance says:

    Hi Petra,

    I followed your suggestion and visited the funny looking link behind which I found the post of your nice blogger friend.

    I have placed that link on my blog as well as a link to your blog.

    Your suggestion helped me to find a good subject to blog about : helping fellow blogers and on the importance of having an seo strategy.

    If you find the time I’d be interested to know what you think about my post on that.

    .-= Vance@Blogging SEO Strategy´s last blog ..SEO Strategy, Online Friendship, Bloggers Help Fellow Blogger =-.

    • Petra Weiss says:

      Vance, I have left a reply on your blog! Thanks for doing this – I have seen that you have left a link to my blog, too…. 🙂

  10. hospitalera says:

    Hi everybody, I don’t want to spam Petras blog by replying to each single comment here 😉 But I really do appreciate all the help and link love I get and I promise to pay it forward, thanks again, SY
    .-= hospitalera@oes tsetnoc´s last blog ..Update image captcha =-.

  11. Vance says:

    You’re most welcome. Is there anything better than helping other bloggers out? Of course they should deserve it at least a bit which you certainly do.

    I’ve neglected to re-tweet this the last time so I’ve done it just a minute ago.

    .-= Vance@Blogging SEO Strategy´s last blog ..Blogging SEO Strategy, Help Fellow Blogger Increase Blog Traffic =-.

  12. David says:

    Hi Petra,

    Any updates from hospitalera? Also I had emailed you back about a possible link exchange, but I guess you’ve been to busy with all of these comments… 🙂
    .-= David @ Inexpensive Gifts for Men´s last blog ..Unique Gifts for Men =-.

    • Petra Weiss says:

      Just checked on hospitalera, she is on #22 and I added her to my Beach Decor website. I emailed you a week ago about the link exchange but I guess we missed each other! Will send email again..

  13. hospitalera says:

    Hi Petra and friends,

    The seo content ended today and I ended up on place 20. I made a first write up on my blog explaining the mistakes I made (main mistake being entering the contest so late). I really appreciate the help you all gave me and if there is anything what I can do to help you, you know where to find me! I might have lost this contest, but I have the feeling I made a lot of new friends, and that is more worth then $$$, your friend, SY
    .-= hospitalera@blogging´s last blog ..How not to win a SEO contest =-.

  14. Hi Petra,
    I just came across your blog via Vance’s. I would have loved to help but I’m a day late. The contest is over. Great idea though, it’s nice to find bloggers willing to help others.
    .-= Luca Di Nicola´s last blog ..So Many Deals – So Little Time =-.

  15. David says:

    Unfortunately it looks like she was able to move any higher than that. It looks like she finished somewhere around #21.

  16. Ryan says:

    Will check that link out now. Hope you have a great Christmas and 2010 Petra.:D

  17. Serge says:

    Sucks i missed it. When is the next contest?

  18. Keith Davis says:

    Hi Petyra

    “Oes tsetnoc” fooled me but a quick visit via the link revealed all.
    Great that you are encouraging bloggers to help each other out, which I think we do already… but we can always do more.

    What a coincidence that the title of my last post is… “A Helping Hand.”

    How spooky is that!
    .-= Keith Davis@public speaking´s last blog ..A helping hand… =-.

  19. I’ll check that link out, thanks for the post petra.
    Interesting Stories recently posted…Stalker Makes 65,000 Calls In A YearMy Profile

  20. Blogger’s help each other is really nice post and also useful to bloggers, thanks for share this post here

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