Internet Scams – Free Affiliate Insider?

Internet scams
IMPORTANT UPDATE on 17 February 2008: All sites are back up and running, Free Affiliate Insider had a problem with the hosting company, but everything has been resolved now. This is my genuine apology to Michael Beeson and his program – they are the real deal and I am still a member 🙂 Michael emailed me personally and I do understand that me thinking I got scammed has caused some problems for him. So with this I want to let all of you know that it looks like I was wrong! – Petra
30 June 2009 – You wonder why I deleted my comment above? After hearing all the comments on this blog, and reading personal emails some of you guys have sent me about their experiences, I feel that I should take my genuine apology down. I cannot say with certainty that Free Affiliate Insider is a scam, but now I can honestly say that it is not a program I want to recommend to anyone. Leaving the apology up would feel to me like I am misleading some of you into believing that this program will deliver. I do not want to give anybody that impression. If you are interested what others have to say, please read on. Petra 🙂
15 February 2008 – I am sure that nearly everybody involved in Internet and Affiliate Marketing even just for a short time will have come across some forms of Internet scams. I guess it’s just the “normal” nature of what we do – the spammers come with the territory (unfortunately!).
The reason why I am starting to post about Internet scams now is because it looks like I personally have been had – once again! I say “once again” because – I admit – it has happened before and I am quite flabbergasted that it should have happended again, even though I thought I have learned so much over the last year and a bit. Talk about being blue-eyed (I actually am 😉 ). (No, I am not saying “and blonde” now because I would be shooting myself in the foot – ’cause I am! 😉 ). – Hey, you can stop grinning now!
Anyway, back to what might be another Internet scam. Last month I got this email advertising the setup of a Review Website in the weight loss and diet market, and a guarantee of $100 within the first few I don’t remember (days, probably). The program advertising it was called “Free Affiliate Insider”. The sales page read quite good, so I thought, why not, I’ve got nothing to lose, let’s try it. So I signed up and went through the setup process. Had a few small hickups along the way but noting major, so after spending around $47 for a years hosting and a domain name, my site was built and went up live. So far so good.
The site was all about the reviews of different types of diets and offering free trials of diet pills and potions. It was actually quite good, I was supposed to earn money every time somebody went through and signed up with one of the offers. I could log into the Affiliate Program and check my stats and earnings. And yes, I was starting to see some visitors to my site, and after a few days there were the first $100 as promised (BTW, payout threshold $200…).
But here it goes: Yesterday, I wanted to log into my Affiliate stats and check out traffic and earnings, and all I got back after typing in the URL was the error message “403 Forbidden – you don’t have permission to access /partner/affiliates/index.php on this server.” I got the same thing when trying to view my website DietReviewCentral. What the #@**# was going on??? After digging a bit deeper, I have found out that the account of Free Affiliate Insider with iPower Hosting has been suspended. BANG – the red warning light is on right now!
Because their hosting acount has been suspended, and they have redirected my domain to their server, I cannot see my site any more. Really, why am I so trusting all the time?? At the moment now I am trying to cancel my hosting with the host I signed up with in the process, and to get at least part of my money back. Thank god I didn’t invest any more!
But is this really an Internet scam? – At the moment I don’t know yet, all I can say it doesn’t look good. My alarm bells are ringing, and I am on high alert. I guess I will have to see over the next few days how things progress and what happens next. BTW – if you clicked on the links to the sites I provided, of course you saw nothing else but the “Forbidden” message – I told you so! 😉
Now, the guy I was in contact with during the whole setup process etc. was a Michael Beeson. I am now starting to wonder whether this guy might actually be the same guy that did a program called Affiliate Junktion, which turned out to be a real scam. His name was Michael, too. I can’t remember his last (fake) name.
So please, whatever you do in Internet Marketing, if you come across offers that you like, take the time to suss them out properly, don’t just hop in and buy like I did, more often than not you will regret it. Choose wisely what you do with your hared earned money.
I hope you will appreciate my honesty here, because this doesn’t make me look all that good (like – “how could I have been so stupid?!”), but I just wanted you all to know about it and hopefully it helps somebody else NOT to make the same mistake.
You can also check out my blog post “My First Venture Into Making Money Online” for some more gruesome internet scams.
I would love to hear some comments!
Category: Internet Scams
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Sites That Link to this Post
- Free Affiliate Insider - Update – | February 16, 2009
- Free Affiliate Insider - Update 2 – | February 26, 2009
- Free Affiliate Insider – My Final Words – | August 8, 2009
I don’t know all the details but it is possible that they were turned in for spam during their project marketing. Many hosting companies will suspend a domain for this reason. I will cross my fingers and hope that this account becomes active again so you can get your money out of it.
Good Luck,
I also ran across Micheal Beesons opportunity and signed up. It seemed like a legitimate opportunity at the time so I took a chance and obtained my website through like he instructed which cost me $55 for annual hosting. About 3 days later my site seemed to be up and running although the next day I was receiving forbidden access messages. I have emailed Mr. Beeson several times without a response. I have since also noticed his site has been suspended! What the hell is going on? RIPPED OFF AGAIN! I am so sick and tired of these internet scams and throwing in the towel! If anyone knows of a REAL internet program that works, please feel free to contact me at:
Losing faith and throwing my computer off the Sears Tower…..
Hi Petra,
Same exact thing happened to me yesterday.
But I did my google check by putting in the program
name followed by scam.
I got no results so I figured it was safe.
Well, I may keep the website and look into
market health site and become an affiliate with
them. Basically same concept- get people try
products and we get paid.
I’ll let you know how it works out.
Trent, I hope so, too!
Charles, hang on to your computer 😉 there are for sure some great opportunities out there! All I can say at the moment is that we can be lucky that we haven’t invested any more…
Nick, I am toying with the thought of keeping the domain, too, and doing something else with it…. Keep me posted, please!
what I have learned over my year and a bit in Internet Marketing is that the best way of creating an income through the Internet is to learn the ropes step by step yourself.
Usually the programs that promise you money fairly fast are just a rip off (as just seen again). So you need to invest the time and effort, and probably a little bit of money again and just learn and educate yourself. That is what I have been doing and am still doing right now. It takes time, but in the end it will be worth it.
The programs I have been with are The Wealthy Affiliate, which is like an Internet Marketing “University” where you learn every aspect of it step by step. The Wealthy Affiliate University is one of the truly information packed sites that deliver on what they promise. They have an 8 week action plan you can follow that will teach you everything you need to know. They also have this great community of fellow Wealthy Affiliate members that help each other. You cannot go wrong joining them.
The other program I have been with and which has literally taken my efforts to the next level is John Thornhills Personal Coaching Program, which goes over the course of 16 weeks. John has just updated this coaching program, it is called John Thornhill Masterclass now, John is fantastic, and his program is easy to follow, even for an absolute computer-non-techie like me.
Check out my other posts on John Thornhills Personal Coaching Program.
I wish you all the best!
ANY program that suggest that a site will get you quickly ranked in google for a competitive keyword like weight lose is a scam – it would take years and a lot or work to get to page one.
I’ve said it before – no one in the first year should be paying for anything except hosting and domains unless until they have some idea of what their business plan is. Never rely on a site which is hosted for you – you need control of the host, or use the big names such as blogger and be aware that you are just renting (for free) space.
Well done on getting this #1 on on the sERPS – hopefully you’ll save some others. Sadly I think too many people don’t want to be saved – believing in the “get rich quick” fantasy is better than actually doing some work!
Hello Petra and everybody,
Thanks you guys so much for your insight. My wife and I have fallen on hard times with this economy and we are grasping at straws to make ends meet. She lost her job and my business is extremely slow. Trying to tap into all the “millions” to be made in internet marketing we strongly bought into the sales pitch. The only reason we hadn’t signed up yet was the money. It’s funny how it says they start building your website as soon as you register your domain. What are they building exactly? I clicked on Petra’s link and it’s the same exact site as the sample site. I have a website for my business, why can’t I set up the same program with the diet companies myself instead of paying for another hosted website? Seems to me that it’s free because they make their money on the hosting. Is it feasible that they have an affiliate deal with ipower and they’re making $20 commission on everybody that signs up? Seems like all smoke and mirrors to me. Anyway thank you all for saving us the time and money. If anyone does know of a legit low start up cost program that would help us, we’re all ears!
I also signed up with I was also scammed. After signing up, it seemed to take forever to build my website. They kept e-mailing me excuse after excuse why it was taking so long. I signed up the end of December. Come to find out, they never built it, nor did they ever respond to any of my e-mails. This was my first experience with internet marketing and the first scam I’ve had to deal with. If there are any honest programs, can somebody let me know as well.
Whew! That was a close one. I was actually in the process of coming up with an appropriate domain name when I decided to search “Michael Beeson scam” first. Glad to find your post. Thanks.
@Travis, as I said on the very top of the post. the sites went back online and everything was fine, so I might have been too fast in my “condemning” Free Affiliate Insider. That said, I have tried to log on to my members page since yesterday and now I get the 404 – URL not found message. My DietReviewCentral site is not displaying correctly either.
So I am again waiting what is going to happen. 🙁
Hi Petra, I signed up last week and recieved two emails from Michael, promising me that my site would be up either that night or the next morning. Nothing yet. I have continued to send him emails about this but to no avail, still no website. Can you please keep us posted? I am getting to the point now where i am thinking about disputing the hosting fee i paid for the year. Thanks, Rick
Hi Petra, I too am a member of this program. However, i joined last week and have yet to get my website. I emailed Michael twice last week and he assured me that it would be up and running, either that night or the next morning. Now, he won’t answer any of my emails. I am almost to the point of disputing the charge for the hosting fee for the year. Please keep us posted and advise. Thank you, Rick
@Rick, I will keep you posted. I have been contacted by Michael and apparently iPower is having issues with his site. He is saying that he has gone to his own server now and that hopefully things will be back in working order now.
Let’s give him the benefit of a doubt right now and hang in there. Could be that he hasn’t answered any emails because he is just getting so many!
So I suggest to keep on our toes and see what develops.
Hello Petra,
I was in the process of signing up when I ran across all your posts. I have decided to wait and see how it goes for you. will you keep me posted please.
SEO Experts, here’s something very interesting and helpful
I have to agree with you on the freeaffiliateinsider being a possible scam – I followed all the steps as you, but have not been so lucky. What type of “bumps in the road” at the beginning did you have? Here is my issue:
It has been 2 months and Michael Beeson has STILL not gotten my site up (! I am getting very annoyed…here’s HIS reasoning…
After buying the domain and hosting through (as he suggests in his first “step” or two), I waited a few weeks and followed up with an email to him about finding out a status of when I can expect my site to be up and running. He stated that they were still buildig my site. Wouldn’t you know, the next day, they said it was ready …hmmmm..convenient timing….
HOWEVER, they then followed up with an email to me that same day and said they were having problems ftping to my site and I should contact and find out. I found out that my initial orderwas for only the domain ( screwed up), but I went ahead and purcased the hosting and provided Michael with all the details, as he requested. OK, so this first bump wa not Michael’s fault, but I have repeatedly received emails back from Michael for the following 2 times I contacted him that they are still having problems with ftping and I need to figure it out with Why do I have to resolve this? Luckily, I am savvy enough with computers and web developing that I can figure a few things out…..
So, I got Micheal to send me the files that he was having issues with and I ftped them MYSELF to my site WITHOUT any issues. Maybe there was a security issue with him loggin in???? Maybe he never tried and wanted me to do it??? Not sure.
Needless to say, a MONTH later, I am STILL waiting for my site to be up and running. I haven’t received ANY emails back from him (maybe he’s enjoying his new life with money and away from his computer…who knows). In addition to the site not being up and running, I no longer even get the site stating my site is “coming soon” like it used to, but rather get a “Not Found” error page. huh???
Scam? I don’t know – you tell me….what could be the issue with getting my site up and running? Why dos it take so long to get a reply with some information?
It’s unfortunate because I have traffic campaigns in upwards of 25k per month that I wanted to send to my diet reviews site, but I guess neither Michael nor I will be making money off this traffic 🙁
Has anyone else had THIS type of problem with Michael Beeson and his freeaffiliateinsider website – where your site NEVER goes live and you get no reply from him?
Please post your comments! I’d love to know!!!
Hi Petra,
Glad that everything went well with ‘Free Affiliate Insider’ program but I guess your warning to be careful with possible spammers is still valid. There are just too many out there lurking. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Peter Lee
@Natalie, thank you for sharing your story here! This is just another confirmation that we have to keep on the lookout and be very careful what we get ourselves into. My site is still up and running as we speak, getting a little bit of traffic but no sales as yet (I strongly assume most of the traffic is from people reading this or the thread on Yedda ( and just checking it out. Will you let us know how your story continues?
@Peter, I have not only visited your blog, but also subscribed to your feedburner feed – I think it’s a very good source for all sorts of Internet Marketing advice 🙂
Hi Petra, well, today my website is finally up and running. I just wondered if you had any info on logging into the marketblaze, to enter the paypal information and check on the hits and sales. I entered my email address and the system stated that my password was sent to me, which it was not. Do you think this business is still worth pursuing? Has anyone else had any kind of success with this so far?
@Rick, you should have gotten an email from “” with the subject “Welcome to Free Affiliate Insider”. This email contains your login info, including Username, Password, Affiliate ID and Login URL. If you haven’t got that email, check your spam folder, or junk mail folder, and if you can’t find it get in contact with Michael.
I can’t tell you really whether it will be worth pursuing – all I think at the moment is that I will give it a fair go over the next few months, I will try to get traffic to it and see whether I can generate a few sales. It is good that we didn’t have to invest too much money into it, basically just the hosting fee, so if you should decide to give up on it at least you won’t lose too much money. It is really up to you what you do with it now.
Would you be so kind and share your sites URL with us so we can have a look at it?
Hi Petra, thanks for the reponse! I will give it a try. I just wish Michael would answer emails in a more timely fashion. I also noticed on the website that 3 out of the 10 offers have expired. I will let Michael know about that as well. I have included my site. Thanks, Rick
Status update…..still looking glim…
This weekend Michael emailed me and told me to upload the index.php file to my site and it should be good to go (he attached the file to the email)….Although I have done this already (with a file), I did it again….but with the same results – NOT FOUND error (you can see yourself if you type in my url
Still waiting to see why the heck this is so difficult to get a site up and running!
What’s more annoying that anything is when they were in the process of building my site, I could go to my URL and actually see the links being built there with the message “ Coming Soon..”. now, the page doesn’t even load!
I’ll keep you posted on the saga….
First.I would like to say to everyone.Don’t be so hard on yourself.This is sometimes the nature of doing business online.There are those who will try to take advantage of others because they know you want to better yourself.But don’t quit and don’t give up.With that being said.It seems that I also have been scamed.I also signed up for this program.My site isn’t up and I haved emailed Michael Beeson several times with no reply.Yes,I am pissed.But I also know that this happens.All we can do is to let as many others know as we can,so that they don’t go through this and lose there hard earned money.
@Al, I am quite upset to hear your story. I thought that Michael did fix the problems he had, and while it looks like he has done that on my side, I don’t like to hear that he doesn’t respond to your (and some of the others) emails.
Maybe he is just being bombarded and has not had the time yet (always think the best of everybody first!) 🙂
But it certainly doesn’t sound too good. I am actually quite confused now! But as I said, I will keep the site up for a while (hey, I paid for the hosting!!) and see how I go.
Good luck with yours, and I do hope that everything will still come together.
Petra…Michael “Beeson” has been in touch with me. Actually, he answers my emails quite promptly. I started an extensive marketing program through Google Adwords and Yahoo Marketing promoting my affiliate site. Yesterday, I could not log in to my MarketBlaze account to check my stats! So, I have since paused my marketing. Mr. “Beeson” emailed me back promptly with my password. How does he know my password? That’s crazy. Also, how do I even know I am being truthfully credited for my sales? I am confused as you are. Oh, he also told me I was looking for a way out from the beginning. LOL He also told me just to quit! This person claimed to make over 40K in one month? Not at my expense! Count me out, sorry. Fishy from the beginning. Good Luck!…Charles Pease
@Natalie – after hearing from you and Al yesterday, I am thinking of doing another “Update” on the story. Even though it seems to work for me now, there seem to be a lot of people like you, Al and some of the others with no luck. Hmmm. I don’t know what to think 🙁 I guess for the moment try to stay in contact with Michael and get the problem resolved. And let us know what happens!
High everyone. I contacted Michael about the error on all our websites and asked if he could fix it. He just emailed me and said it has been removed. I checked my site and sure enough it is gone. Petra yours is gone too. The rest of you can check yours and see if it’s gone. Now if only Market Blaze would send me my login info. I’m not going to promote this website until I can see my stats page.
Hey Petra, Do you made $100 or more from diet review ?
@jeury, so far I have only made the $100 that are promised when you sign up. Everybody gets that. I have not promoted the site yet, so I have not yet made any commissions apart from that.
I still can’t pull up my website and I signed up the end of December. Michael is not responding to any of my e-mails also. I know there wasn’t a lot of money spent on this opportunity but it’s still money going down the drain.
Krisrom. I don’t know why Michael isn’t answering your emails. I’ve emailed him 6 times in the last 10 days and he’s answered every one. When I emailed him about the error on our sites, he fixed it and emailed me back in a couple of hours. I just emailed him about my login info for Market Blaze and why I haven’t received it yet and he emailed me back within an hour with my login info. I checked my stats and see where there is $100 there also.
Hi Petra, Well, i have gotten out of this program. Everyone seems to have the same old story. Website down, unanswered emails, etc etc. I received an email from a guy that has been in this program for awhile. He told me he made over $600 in it and never received a dime. He told me a couple of his friends were scammed as well and informed me to get out asap. I am going to call the web hosting company and try to get a refund. They should also be notified that this Michael guy is not delivering on his promises. If we all bond together on this we may be able to get our money back. Their ph number is 877-476-9932.
@Rick, I did actually try and cancel my hosting to get my money back straight after I thought I had been scammed, and the reply of the hosting company (PowWeb) was that it would cost a one-time “early cancellation fee” of $35 – I paid a hosting fee of $46.56 so I feel like there is no point! Might as well take it and start up a new site or something.
Status Update –
Michael FINALLY replied to my emails (I now know that he emails after 10 pm EST because I was able to respond and get a reply from him within minutes last night).
I am not sure what the issue was with my site nd why the files he kept giving me were incorrect, but he kept telling me to upload the same two files (which he sent me again, supposedly new versions, but the code looked the same). He stated that he has never had ny problems with the other people who are hosted by….not sure why my site was a problem.
Now, I don’t know if any of the rest of you have to log into your site by using your ID number or your domain name, but I think the issue may have lived there. I have never had any problems logging into my site using my domain name and told Michael to do that instead of using the numbers and what do you know…he magically got in.. 🙁 Coinsidence…..not sure, but I can’t imagine that he wouldn’t have tried that before when I had told him that before.
I sent him exact step by step directions with screen shots of my domain servers and were my files were located so that when he logged into my account he could make sure I had all the information correct. I am not sure why I had to tell him how to do this….
Anyway,…status now is that my site is FINALLY up! I can now start driving traffic there and we’ll see….
Just to inform you that just
about all of the scenarios
that are being posted
regarding freeaffiliateinsider
have also occurred with me.
My website
went up about 3 weeks ago. My
most recent problem has to do
with Site Meter. I need to
log into Site Meter to get
the information on the recorded
history of the hits to my
website. I need CODENAME and
PASSWORD to log into Site Meter.
I think the CODENAME for everyone
is s51dietreview. Would you
know where I could get the PASSWORD
other than from Michael?
I’ve emailed him time and time
again, all to no avail. This
DietReview thing appears to have
possibilities, only if we had
Thanks and have a good day.
Jack Peeks
@Jack, I am sorry to hear about that! You know, I think everybody had to sign up with different web hosts, but I am surprised to hear about site meter. I have to log in through Market Blaze. What’s going on here?
Was strongly thinking about doing this, but it may be wise to hold off. I think he said on his site that you could make $20 by signing up for one the trial products and get a head start that way. Is it that easy? If that’s the case you could sign up for all 10 and then cancel and you’ve just made $200. Am I mistaken? I think I will hold off until I hear of someone actually making money with him first. Doesn’t seem very reliable in terms of cust. service. Anyway, as soon as some makes some money please post and let us know. Thanks.
just signed up yesterday with free affiliate insider.My web hosting is being done through pow web. I’m being told my site should be up and running in a “few” days. I’ll keep everyone posted.
My site is up and running as promised with no problems so far. I also joined the coop for another $ 45.95 this is supposedly the quickest and fastest way to make money with FAI. So now I’m in for about a hundred bucks. Let’s see what happens!
@Joe, I would love for you to keep us updated on your progress, – you would probably be the first one who could finally give us some good news!!!
Let’s hope it will work. But as I said, please let us know what happenes. 🙂
ok Let me tell you my story. I too have been too trusting. No more. I’m checking everything out 1st from here on! my site was done in a reasonable time and looks good. I have no idea how well I’ve been doing because I did get a password for this marketblaze affiliate network after requesting one numerous times. Michael does not answer my numerous emails either. So he must bee recruiting people to do this and then keep all the profits for himself. Notice no one here is making any money. That’s why we all signed up.At least we didn’t lose a lot. I found a better business anyway.
@Darryl, thank you so much for filling us in on your story. I have lost my trust in this system and will just hang in there (without spending a dime on advertising) because I paid for the hosting and can’t get any back. Might decide to do something else with the name. Good luck with your new endeavour!
Oops that was I did NOT get a password for market blaze.
Thanks for letting us know about this…it looks like it has all been rectified. Have other people’s problems with this “scam” been worked out?
Yolanda, I don’t know about any of the others, I haven’t received any more updates. I can tell you that I had 241 clicks on my diet website so far and no more sales. I don’t do anything with it any more, I am just hanging in there until my hosting expires, and that’s it. Good luck to your online ventures!
hi everyone, very interesting page just like each one of you here, i joined FreeAffiliateInsideron march 9th finished my getting my domain and hosting the same day by M arch 10 i got this email Kerry – Your website is done i started promoting my link right away on march 11 got my first sign up then on M arch 12i got this in my inbox
ERRYMEMPIN – here’s a free $100went to check my stat sure enough my account was credited WOOHOO! IN STUDIED THE training matrials on MARCH12 got my second sign up and i decided i’ll join the COOP i joined and paid the $49.95 since he guarantees ill make money from the sales or he will credit my account with$100.00 just for trying SO I DID ON MARCH 20I JOINED THE COOP SEVERALS DAYS LATER DIDN’T NO CLICK OR SIGN UP SO I EMAIL MICHAELi got a response within24 hours as always. telling me it usually takes7-10 days before you can see result so i waited patiently on March 30 sure enough i got one signed up and my account was credited with $20.00. until april 04&05 i got 2 more sign up and so my account was up to $180.00 still short of the thresh hold of$200 on april i HIT$200.00 HOWEVER inoticed the threshold was changed to 4250.00. BTW twas thecoop working ?to date april 16almost amonth later i have over 248 hits i had 29 before i joined the coop so to be exact i had over 219 HITS not bad to thibk that i did a goggle ad campaign got my account $47.50 with no result but bill LOL AND ALSO I EMAILED MICHAEL ABOUT HIS GURANTEE ILL MAKE MONEY FROM THE COOP TRUE TO HIS WORDShe credited my account $100.00 ion APRIL 13 now i have$300.00 lets wait until April 25 Commission Payments are paid on the 25th of each month for all the free offers accepted from your website in the previous month. ILL promised to keep everybody posted. ILL BE BACK OR YOU CAN EMAIL ME ill be more than willing to let everyone know if this is THE real thing . FYI folks, iam a stoke survivor@age
41take care y’all GOOD LUCK,
Good on you, Kerry! Thanks for keeping us posted. BTW, you wrote the threshold went up to $4250 – surely that can’t be true???
hi petra,IAM SO SORRY it was a typo the new threshold is$250.00 due to my stroke im legally blind on my left eye my apology for the typo :_(
Kerry Mempin
Thanks for clearing this up, Kerry. Again, please let us know if anything exciting (or not) happens with your account. Ta!
hi PETRA I promised your readers will be the very first one to know once something great happens to my venture because i know how hard it is to find a legit program online i would gladly share as a matter of fact i just got an email from Michael because i emailed him RE:my COP subscription it is expiring soon and i don’t have the fund until i get paid but for hours later i got a response from him :STATING
No you will not lose your spot and it will be ready when you are.
so im wondering when i read a post above that they dont get a response??? i always get mine tight away no matter what day i emailed him maybe they dont have the correct email address :_)
BRBLonapril25th with my REPORT
until then take care everybody,
Kerry, it is great to hear that it seems to be working for you! But there are a lot of conflicting stories, and most of them not good, and it is quite strange that Michael answers some emails like the one you sent him straight away, and others are left high and dry. – Again, keep us posted, please!
WOOHOO just updating everybody as of today my coop has expired on April 20th BUT like Michael told me (SEEabove post)
No you will not lose your spot and it will be ready when you are.
APRIL21st GOT ANOTHER SIGN UP!!so IS JOINING THE COOP well worth it??YOU BETCHA!still getting clicks since my last post here as of today261clicks and5 5sign up from a $49.95 investmentcan’t beat that and its fun to watch your click stat daily
UNTIL the 25th BRBL,folks take care y’all
Go Kerry! Let us know when you get paid….
BTW, here an update on my stats for everybody: I have had 290 clicks so far and no sign ups. Do you think that’s strange with free offers, that so many people who are interested in dieting click on the links and then decide NOT to take up a free offer?
hi, petraithink it depend on where you advertise your site because you could get tons of click but if they aren’t targeted audience you wouldnt get no sign up they could be just curious traffic looking for info about the products or info about diets but not looking for pills or what not we have to offer . just like when i advertise to TE they are just there to earn credits so they can advertise for free. ill get tons of clicks but TE traffic aren’t targeted buyers or audience/market thats why i strogly suggest the COP coz Michael are advertising the links on rotation to Highly targeted market by using the right keyword at the right places . hope this helps good luck BE Back on Saturday once i get my FIRST pay lol take care
kerry mempin
I Petra i guess it depends on where you advertise or promote your site.
like if i promote my site on TE i can get tons of clicks but no sign up
because TE traffic aren’t well targeted people are there to earn credits
but not necessarily interested on FREE trials or diets in particular
that’s why i highly recommend Micheal’s COOP because they get very Highly
targeted traffic by using the right key words at the right places. FYI i
don’t make a penny endorsing the coopbut i just wanted to help those who
wants to get good result on proting their diet sites, because by using
the coop i don’t have to promote its literally making money without
lifting a finger as of today i accumulated 326clicks and 6 sign ups
for$49.95that’slike 0.15/click. BRB on Saturday until then takecare
You are right about the targeted traffic, of course. It is really great to see that someone seems to make good progress with this program, after so many negative stories. I am looking forward to hear what is happening on Saturday!
I did really like your post… Also can you suggest me any business hosting company for corporate website?
The hosting company that I can recommend is D9 Hosting. They have very competitive rates, and what makes them really stand out of the crowd is their incredible support (which I had to fall back on a couple of times and every time they were fantastic). Good luck!
I signed up for the program two days ago and sent the requested info twice and have yet to get any response from him. Kerry you mentioned maybe I have the wrong e-mail address where are you e-mailing Michael at?
The guarantee he gives of $100 in 48 hours basically means you get a free year of web hosting however I haven’t gotten a reply in 48 hours. I wonder why other’s get quick replies and others get none.
That’s what makes this whole program a bit of a mystery – very few people seem to go ok, a lot of others have heaps of problems. But because there are so many that have problems versus the 1 or 2 who make progress I tend to believe that it is a scam. I am very much looking forward to what Kerry has to say in a couple of days!
so i decided to come in early today :_) FIRST OF ALL WOHOO I GOT ANOTHER SIGNUP
yesterday However its already 10:19AM SATURDAY april25th Still NOTHING in my paypal
Account but im still crossing my fingers YESstill hoping BUT while waiting for them
to pay mei’ve been working on anotherCHEAP project that has been bringing me $$
constantly everyday so if any of you guys are interested just email me i’d be more
than happy to share my little treasure id be BACK LATER once i get that paypal
noticed lol i hope i do it will be a great milestone for me if i do being a
handicapped and can make that kind of money it will be a big booster until then God
bless everyone!! take care
Kerry Mempin
You might be hearing from me 😉
hi, Petra, it would be an honor to hear from you, looking forward to hearing from you However I have an update , a few minutes after i posted my last post i emailed Michael regarding my pay as well as my COOPsince the $49.95 was successfully paid last april 23 then i went out to get ice cream FROM DQ a few minutes later i received his response stating,BTW i also sent him the link to your blog in case he isn’t aware of all the problems of other members trying to get hold of him HIS RESPONSE WAS :
I see that your commissions are at $340 which is a great job. The commissions are paid on the 25th of the month following the month that they are earned so whatever your commissions end up being at the end of this month, you will be paid on the 25th of May. It’s on the Market blaze log in page as well as in the training.
Thanks Kerry and great job,
2ND EMAIL RE:coop renewal
Your site is automatically continued in the rotation when your co-op renews.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. SO EVERYBODY we have another month to wait:_( hopefully i’ll make more by then
BUT ipromised ill BE BACK TO report what happens between now
and then until then BUT…Don’t miss the beautiful colors of the rainbow while looking for the pot of gold at the end of it. take care
Kerry Mempin
hi, Petra, it would be an honor to hear from you, looking forward to hearing from you However I have an update , a few minutes after i posted my last post i emailed Michael regarding my pay as well as my COOPsince the $49.95 was successfully paid last april 23 then i went out to get ice cream FROM DQ a few minutes later i received his response stating,BTW i also sent him the link to your blog in case he isn’t aware of all the problems of other members trying to get hold of him HIS RESPONSE WAS :
I see that your commissions are at $340 which is a great job. The commissions are paid on the 25th of the month following the month that they are earned so whatever your commissions end up being at the end of this month, you will be paid on the 25th of May. It’s on the Market blaze log in page as well as in the training.
Thanks Kerry and great job,
2ND EMAIL RE:coop renewal
Your site is automatically continued in the rotation when your co-op renews.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. SO EVERYBODY we have another month to wait:_( hopefully i’ll make more by then
BUT ipromised ill BE BACK TO report what happens between now
Don’t miss the beautiful colors of the rainbow while looking for the pot of gold at the end of it.
and until then everybody take care
Kerry Mempinindytatertot
I finally was contacted by him today saying my site was being prepared so we’ll see how it goes. Hopefully as well if not better than Kerry’s experience.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you, William!
good luck William hope you do great with your site my other cheap program still brings me pretty good $$ everyday not much but more than enough to help me with my DQ BLIZZARD addiction lol have a great wek ahead every ody take care
Kerry Mempin
WOHOO got another sign up WOOHOO so William hope you’d consider using the coop it really helps making money without lifting a finger and Petra still waiting to hear from you ill gladly help any one whos interested in making even just a little bit JUST remember where you are today i was yesterday have a great day everyone UNTIL MAY25th i’m hoping to hit$400.00 by then WOOHOO
take care everyone
Just doing research I must say this guy is smooth. looking in the back office of powweb this guy gets 77.77 for every person that signs up for hosting. That’s why thay won’t just set you up on a site you already own. Also in the free affliate insider back office he essentially is pitching to you other product that he get’s paid a commission from. The free google ads site, the auto responder site,, etc. in other words this guy is making a substantial amount to have people driving customers to his free product trials site that he makes you a carbon copy of and that it appears you can not edit to increase your own income with adsense for instance. If you just sign up for powweb he’s made 77.77 if you never do anything else just to send you a cookie cutter copy of the same site we all have. If you sign up and buy everything he suggest? $$$$$$$$ for him and he doesn’t even offer to share with you the commissions he makes for products he’s promoting in the back office where he really makes some money. I’m going to market it and see what I can do. I in it now. However like Kerry I do have a program that won’t make you rich but it can generate a decent amount of extra income online. Only if you are an American or Canadian citizen though is the biggest catch so to speak.
Thank you for sharing this insightful info with us. Hmmmm. I don’t really like what I hear. It will be interesting to see what happens on 25th May when Kerry is supposed to get paid.
william how do you figure that Michael makes 77.77 for some thing we paid $46.59?? sorry but it doesn’t add up right ?and i think the reason why he wants the people to use powweb because they are familiar with the interface of the site when they build the sites for people who joins his program. and also i think he’s trying to protect the look of the website by preventing site owners to add adsense and other unnecessary stuff that might ruin the professional look of the site. as for more OTO offers or back end offers that’s normal to every website that does internet marketing just like you you wanted to add or tried to add ad sense to your diet site because you want to maximized your income is that correct ?Michael is just doing the same thing nothing out of the ordinary . if you were to ask me . im not under michael payroll YET but i just want this to be fair since he’s not here to defend him self or explain his side. if you dont agree Petraill understand if you don’t approved my post i’ll still come back to let ALL your readers know if i do get paid on the25th of may .until then , shalom y’all
Kerry Mempin
Kerry, you are right, I didn’t check, I also paid only $46.56 for hosting, so the $77.77 don’t add up. I really like that you give Michael the benefit of the doubt, I guess it is the right thing to do until we are really proven otherwise. I used to be like that, always assume only the best in people, but maybe I have just been ripped off once too much… One way or another, I am really anticipating the 25th of May! And Good Luck for you, Kerry.
hi Petra i totally understand being online 24/7 the last 3yrs i have learned a lotand lost a lot of $$ too lol yes i am giving Michael the benefit of the doubt because if i get paid on the25th ill do this diet site full time as we all know diet or weight loss is one of the hottest niche next to making money online lol so i’m firmly believe if i get paid this month it will be a very good program to pursue and do full time i know alot of you will agree with me on this one but everything still remains to be seen im still hoping and praying coz i know once i announce that i got paid your readers will pursue it full time too everybody just need solid live proof we all do take care
beblesed everyone
Hi Petra,
I was interested in this opportunity too…but after reading the responses…I will wait and see if anybody received any $$$$. If anybody has actually received payment please come forward and let us all know!
BTW…Kerry..I hope this is a legit opp so you can receive your $$$$!
How do you think he pays you $35 for every person you have sign up for his website. The $50 dollar sign up credit for adwords comes from through powweb sign up and believe me if you are getting a certificate it’s because they are being paid an affliate commission. You don’t find it funny that the $100 he promises in 48 hours you don’t find out it’s based on you spending at least $10 more until after you sign up?
powweb will let you ad a standard google search toolbar to your site but not an adsense one that you will generate income from? The only difference you get paid for the adsense serach toolbar. They say it’s coming soon so we will see
hi everyone,
single mom looking to make ends meet.two people on here sd they had other money making opp & they r willing to share just email them.but where do i find there email address.if u could email me & let me know please.i am very interested trying hard to support my 3
Hi Sharon, I hope you will get some good replies to your plea! From my personal experience though I have to tell you straight away (anybody please correct me if I am wrong!) that if you need to have money quickly and do not have any money to invest (even small amounts), you will be better off in the short run to take up a job. Making money through the internet is not as easy as it sometimes is made out to be. IMO you will have to invest a bit of money (for training, education, hosting etc.) and time before you will see a return – no matter what it is you are doing.
Hi, Petra, i second that because i have run across sites that claims startmaking 44 wityh NO out of pocket costs but in the end you end up wasting your time and NOT seeing any $$ in return. because if you are doing internet marketing or anything that has to do with internet you will need a website or some basic knowledge , tools to set up what you have to offer be it a service or product. i know you can use FREEsites like blog spot etc. but they arent very reliable. and you have no complete control of your site. i just emailed Sharon coz as i have mentioned earlier’ i’ve been doing this vry affordable program that pays me daily. it not much or it wouldn’t make you rich over night BUT i do get $pendable $$ daily
i just hope Sharon would contact me via my yahooIM i gave her my id too i’ m really looking forward to help her in my own little way. ill even start her 100% FREE!! yes i type that correctly LOL so sharon the ball is on your side …
be blessed everyone.
You rock, Kerry!!! Thanks for doing that for Sharon, – I am sure she will appreciate it!
HI, Petra, my pleasures I WILL EVEN teach everything i do step by steps because why?BECAUSE I Realize MY Dreams by Blessing other People’s lives at the same time and
trust me its a great feeling “PRICELESS” im still waiting , Sharon. BTW NO strings attached whatsoever just wanted to help that’s all !
have a great weekend everybody
take care
Kerry Mempin
hi Petra i still havent heard from sharon if she didnt get my email with instruction on how to contact me via my yahoo IM she can just go to our site directly and use the 24/7 live support button tony my site partner and friend will gladly help her .and also imentioned to tony about sharon’s ordeal and tony our site builder offer his service and hosting for FREE to Sharon so Sharon if you want to contact us just click on my name above this post it will take you to straight our site Sharon i hope you are reading this . we are more than willing help you ALL the way.. and BTW to one of your readers,[Herbert Brown] who got to our site if you haven’t received our welcome email pls use the live support button ty we are having problem with Verizon email they keep on bouncing undelivered . that’s why i think Sharon haven’t gotten my email
Have a great weekend everybody
take care
Kerry Mempin
Kerry, just to make sure – you did email Sharon on this email address: ?
Hi Petra, yes i did use that email address but as of May2nd not a word from her :_( but our offer still open .. hope everyone having a great weekend and FYI we stand behind our website100% be cause we know it does work BUT the catch is you have to PUT effort to it AND IF YOU DO it does what we say it does its not gonna make you super rich but it can put spendable $$ in your pocket NOT just VIRTUAL
income or figures with that being said take care everybody
Kerry Mempin
Hi Petra, yes i used that email address but to date , MAY2nd i haven’t heard a word from Sharon , our offer is still open Sharon and FYI we stand behind our website100% because we know it does what it say if a paralyzed person who underwent 2 major brain surgery in15 days time span can do it anybody can the CATCH IS you have to put EFFORT for it to work . you will not get rich over night BUT it will put SPENDABLE $$ in your pocket NOT JUST VIRTUAL income figures!! Sharon if you want to get hold of me pls click my name above it will take you to our website click on the 24/7 LIVE Support button and either tony or my self will assist you from there.take care everybody
hope you have a great weekend
Kerry Mempin
Hi Petra, yes i used that email address but to date , MAY3rd i haven’t heard a word from Sharon , our offer is still open Sharon and FYI we stand behind our website100% because we know it does what it say if a paralyzed person who underwent 2 major brain surgery in15 days time span can do it anybody can the CATCH IS you have to put EFFORT for it to work . you will not get rich over night BUT it will put SPENDABLE $$ in your pocket NOT JUST VIRTUAL income figures!! Sharon if you want to get hold of me pls click my name above it will take you to our website click on the 24/7 LIVE Support button and either tony or my self will assist you from there.take care everybody
hope you have a great week ahead
Kerry Mempin
Hi Petra , just to update you on Sharon last night we finally connected lol we chatted on yahoo IM i gave her the instructions answer all her questions today im just waiting for her pay pal CODE so we can build her site and she can start right away im just glad she was able to add me to her yahoo IM we will keep you posted along with my DIET site report on the 25th WOOHOO not much longeri m really hoping thry pay me it would help alot especially for my acupuncture therapy i’m doing at the moment regular rehab just TOO expensive and i couldn’t afford it i have been with out theraphy for over a year and a half . i stated going to acupunture session last jan but i have made so much progress already and i really hate to give it up but i may have too soon i just told my ACU dr i may have to quit it but last friday dring my session i asked him if he can work on my vision OMG he did for30 minutes then after my treatment we went to wal mart and OMG after 3 years of not seeing any thing but blured item on the display shelf last friday i can even see the price tag lol i dont know if its good lol but it felt wonderful that i just burst into tears while browsing i can see all the items so crystal clear and what a glorious sight!! then my sister-in-law who takes of me decided i’m not going to my acupuncture sessions. we just have to tighten our belt but some times it hard to tighten NOTHING lol if you know what i mean . just like trying to save nothing lol so im really hoping affiliate insider or claze pays me on the 25th . any way ty so much for letting mevent out have a great week everyone take care
Kerry Mempin
Hi Petra , just to update you on Sharon last night we finally connected lol we chatted on yahoo IM i gave her the instructions answer all her questions today im just waiting for her pay pal CODE so we can build her site and she can start right away im just glad she was able to add me to her yahoo IM we will keep you posted along with my DIET site report on the 25th WOOHOO not much longeri m really hoping thry pay me it would help alot especially for my acupuncture therapy i’m doing at the moment regular rehab just TOO expensive and i couldn’t afford it i have been with out theraphy for over a year and a half . i stated going to acupunture session last jan but i have made so much progress already and i really hate to give it up but i may have too soon i just told my ACU dr i may have to quit it but last friday dring my session i asked him if he can work on my vision OMG he did for30 minutes then after my treatment we went to wal mart and OMG after 3 years of not seeing any thing but blured item on the display shelf last friday i can even see the price tag lol i dont know if its good lol but it felt wonderful that i just burst into tears while browsing i can see all the items so crystal clear and what a glorious sight!! then my sister-in-law who takes of me decided i’m not going QUIT to my acupuncture sessions. we just have to tighten our belt but some times it hard to tighten NOTHING lol if you know what i mean . just like trying to save nothing lol so im really hoping affiliate insider or claze pays me on the 25th . any way ty so much for letting me vent out have a great week everyone take care
Kerry Mempin
Hello everyone!
I just want to know if anyone has made any real money from the Micheal Beeson website program. I don’t have alot of money to spare, however if I can make 500 on the 25th then I’m OK with that… Let me know please
hi, Petra, Happy mother’s day to ALL mom !!and WOOHOO got another sign up and my hit counter is spinning like crazy!! thanks to Michale’s COOP now i just hope they pay me almost there guys!! TWO more weeks hopefully ill get more sign ups by then that would be so SWEET!!beback in 2 weeks.I’D like to to wish all the Mother’s a very
Happy Mothers Day!
We hope your day is full of love and happiness!
Kerry Mempin
Hi, Petra, just wanted to report..ANOTHER SIGN UP from yesterday stat.
WOOHOO now i just hope i get paid on the 25th of May then we can
officially declare Michale’s site as legit until then… the saga
continue for all your avid followers ill be back on the 25th until
then… take care everyone
Kerry Mempin
indy tatertot
Hi, Petra, just wanted to report..ANOTHER SIGN UP from yesterday stat. WOOHOO now i just hope i get paid on the 25th of May then we can officially declare Michale’s site as legit until then… the saga continue for all your avid followers ill be back on the 25th until then… take care everyone
Kerry Mempin
indy tatertot
Way to go, Kerry! I am very happy for you, and I can’t wait till the 25th! I just hope for a good outcome… 🙂
hi, Petra, thank you so much but no matter what the out come going to be ill be hereto let all your readers know, im too excited
[-O< and hoping for the best WOW my stat looks great is up to 595clicks hope to get more sign up before the25thtake care evryone.. ill be back
Kerry Mempin
I just got laid off and feels bad, so I start looking for something new in my life. I spend all my money on my new hobby, and this is a great relief from depression.
Hi, Petra I haven’t forgotten you and your readers however as of may25th 5:29 PM i haven’t heard a word FROM Market Blaze Affiliate Network ABOUT my commission BUT as soon as i get my paypal payment notice… ill be here right away to let everyone know…
And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, Ill say it clear,
Ill state my case, of which Im certain.
im still crossing my fingers hoping its just the holiday that’s why thry are late in sending my payment… otherwise like my mom used to sing to me que sera que sera what ever will be will be.. BRlater until then,
take care everyone
Kerry Mempin
Kerry, if they pay on the 25th it could take a day or two to hit your account, couldn’t it (even though with Paypal it’s usually there pretty quick, right?)? I am so hoping for you that it will work!!!
I’m wondering how the free affiliate insider thing is going. I filled out my information yesterday and have not gotten an email or auto response.
TO ALLof Petra’s avid readers!! GREATNEWS fellow marketers YOUu will get paid like i did!!!
WOOHOO PETRA !! as promised.! you’re readers be the first know WOOHOO I JUST GOT PAID!!!! i emailed michael this am asking about my comission the a fe minutes a go i got his reponse telling me it was paypal account coz thery have 2 paypal ID and they dont know which one to send payment to so i emailed him back with the correct IDanyesss!!!!!!not even a minute i got my pay pal noticed of payment received !!from FreeAffiliateInsider.Com – April CommissionsWOOHOO guys THIS FEELS AWESOME!! THE FEELING IS PRICELESSWOOHOO so to all of you guys Michael is fro real ll if a handicap can do it any body can!!
GodBless everyone
WOOHOO PETRA !! as promised.! you’re readers be the first know WOOHOO I JUST GOT PAID!!!! i emailed michael this am asking about my comission the a fe minutes a go i got his reponse telling me it was paypal account coz thery hasve 2 paypal ID and they dont know whivh one to send payment to so i emailed him back with the correct IDanyesss!!!!!!not even a minute i got my pay pal noticed of payment received !!from FreeAffiliateInsider.Com – April CommissionsWOOHOO guys THIS FEELS AWESOME!! THE FEELING IS PRICELESSWOOHOOso to all of you guys Michael is for real ll if a handicap can do it any body can!!
God Bless everyone
TO ALLof Petra’s avid readers!! GREATNEWS fellow marketers YOUu will get paid like i did!!!
WOOHOO PETRA !! as promised.! you’re readers be the first know WOOHOO I JUST GOT PAID!!!! i emailed Michael this am asking about my comission then a few minutes a go i got his response telling me it was paypal account coz they have 2 paypal ID and they dont know which one to send payment to so i emailed him back with the correct ID anDYES$$$!!!!!!not even a minutelater i got my pay pal noticed of payment received !!from Free AffiliateInsider.Com – April Commissions WOOHOO guys THIS FEELS AWESOME!! THE FEELING IS PRICELESSWOOHOO so to all of you guys Michael is fro real ll if a handicap can do it any body can!!
GodBless everyone
hi petra i apologized for the double post when i first came back my post earlier didn’t show and i really wanted to make sure everybody know IGOT PAID!!! so to all your readers i highly recomend thery join the cop too like i did its well worth it
take care everyone
Kerry Mempin
WOW Kerry, I think that is fantastic! I think it surprises all of us, but it’s really, really great! I’m very happy for you. 🙂
hi, Petra, Thank you for all the moral support andgood luck wishes!! NOW i can Honestly PROMOTE MICHAEL’S program WITHOUT any hesitation or fear that some body’s gonna be ripped offand just to PROVED IT
:Payment details
Amount: $360.00 USD
Transaction Date: May 26, 2009
Transaction ID: 74Y45093HT687541M
Subject: FreeAffiliateInsider.Com – April Commissions
Message: Kerry, Here are your commissions for April. Great job. We’d love to get a testimonial from you. If you will just write something out, I’d appreciate it. Michael Beeson
to all your readers i hope this clear all your doubt about Michael program.any body is more than welcome to email me if they have any more questions. id gladly help them reach Michael. like im more than happy to help your readers, Petra.
thank you so much for the giving me the chance to share my experienced or story.. take care everyone,
Don’t miss the beautiful colors of the rainbow while looking for the pot of gold at the end of it.
Kerry Mempin
I see Kerry got paid on the free affiliate insider. I am wondering, what is the benefit of going thru Michael on this rather than do one’s own site?
Can anyone shed some light?
I just came back from vaction and my boss surprised me with a lay off. So I’m pretty depressed right now and looking for another damn job. I got plan to make some money and got my self in Hawaii, I just dream about that wonderful place in the world.
hi, Lynne thre’s a lot of advantages first Michael group get your affiliate accoun with BLAZE MKTG approved with not much hassle then they prepare 2 other sites for you aside from the diet review sites this two sites can help you ear more money and also you get the training course along if you go thru Michael . and also what have you got to lose? michael pays you$100.00 for just trying his program. if you do it on your own you dont get that$100.00 bonus hope that helps make a decision . good luck!! take care everyone
Kerry Mempin
Hello Petra,
I found your website about internet marketing and the blog about Michael Beeson and have doubts about him after reading all the messages here. I signed up for the free affiilate insiders program on May 19th and haven’t got my website up yet. I emailed Michael once about this, on May 28th, and have gotten no reply yet. It does looks like his customer service is lacking.
Thanks for answering Kerry. I don’t know who BLAZE MKTG is that you refer to. I googled Blaze Marketing, but there are quite a few with that name. (.com, .org, etc.)
Earl, still no response? I emailed Michael because I didn’t received the ebook his page offers. He responded with the ‘get started’ url.
I have done nothing more about it… was waiting to see if any of you on here were having a good experience and was glad to know Kerry was paid!
I got my website up and running from Michael as mentioned in my previous email to you. He didn’t answer my email about the delay but just simply said, your website is now ready. I’m going to go through with this, but not subscribe to his co-op. I just hope I’ll have more luck than the others who posted messages on here. If not, I’ll be out about $85.00 and some time. I’ll subscribe to the autoresponder for $20.00 per month for a couple of months and apply his marketing methods advice for marketing my website and see what happens. I was disapointed in the free $100.00 you’re suppose to get back. I did buy into two free offer trials from my website to get the $100.00. The deal is from what I understand, is that you won’t get paid unless you reach a $250.00 threshold. I subscribed to the two free trials before I knew about this. No way then to get the $100 unless you make at least $250.00. I thought I could get the $100 back and at the very least, recoup the $46.56 from the 1 year of web hosting fees. Wishingful thinking, unless I can make the $250.00.
I found a guy in Texas by the name of Stephen Pierce who looks legitimate. I can’t guarantee he is, but his info, from what I read in a book that I ordered from him, on internet marketing looks to be on the level. He’ll set you up in a web business for an upfront fee and a monthly fee. You can find him by doing a Google search: type in: Stephen Pierce International
Earl, good luck with your diet website! About Stephen Pierce – from what I have seen and heard he is one of the top marketers out there, and also genuine. I believe you can’t do wrong if you sign up with him. You should also check out Wealthy Affiliate, they have got a $1 trial offer up right now where you can check their program and see whether it is for you. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
hi petra, just wanted to share this with youravid followers ..
just too good not to pass along hope everything going great take care
Kerry Mempin
Kerry, this is one of the most beautiful messages I have ever received. Thank you so much for sharing it with us all! It truly is worth watching.
hi this is a great load on info THANKS@
I to signed up with FreeAffiliateInsider (Michael Beeson) on June 16, 2009. Received an email informing me that my site was up and running a day later. Today is June 30, 2009 and site is still not up, just says “under development”. Sent in several support tickets, no response ??? However, I still get messages from Michael’s autoresponder encoraging me to join program.
Nelson, what you are telling me here is exactly why I have actually updated my post today – as of today I have taken down my apology to Michael Beeson and said that whilst I cannot say with certainty that it is a scam, the evidence is pointing toward it and I do not want to endorse a program like that in any way. I am sorry to hear about your troubles and hope you will at least not lose too much money on it. 🙁
I’ve seen other comments on the net that absolutely love Michael Beeson and I for one am going to go ahead and sign up today. It looks like a lot of the comments here are outdated?
I’ve got nothing at stake here and have nothing to do with Mr. Beeson but I was looking at the FreeAffiliateInsider program and it looks pretty good to me? You mentioned that one of the reasons you stopped recommending him was because of Nelsons post about his site not being built?
Notice that if you click on Nelsons name that his Diet Review Website actually comes up? Guess Michael built it?
By the way, I do know that Michael Beeson had absolutely nothing to do with Affiliate JunKtion. That guy was in New Zealand? You should make an adjustment above in your site. I was an affiliate for them and the guys name was Jordan Mitchell.
Just thought you and your readers might want to know the truth.
Thanks Petra,
Hi Jerry, good on you that you don’t get deterred by all the other comments and experiences of others. I wish you the best of luck with the program! The reason I stopped “recommending” the program (I never recommended the program, I was just in two minds about it) was solely that after what I heard over the past few months from so many people PLUS from my experience it simply looks fishy. I have seen and taken part in other programs online which were much more professional and believable. Also, I don’t know whether Michael Beeson has anything to do with Affiliate Junktion, but the guy I personally dealt with whilst with Affiliate Junktion (yes, I fell for it and paid the price!) was called Michael also (not Jordan Mitchell – I heard he changed names a few times). I don’t remember the name he gave as last name, that information is on my old computer.
Thank you for letting us know your thoughts. But please accept my point of view also. I think everybody can make up their own minds about Free Affiliate Insider. If you think it’s ok by all means go for it. As I said, I hope you will succeed! 🙂
hello everybody,
i know its been a while since someone has posted something positive on this blog about a way to make money online. I just would like to share a little something i stumbled a cross the other day after reading many negative reviews on many internet money making scams. This program has been made by ewen chia nd is legit! It just depends how much time YOU put in, so if you work hard your efforts should be payed out!
CLICK HERE!!!! to check out autopilot profits
read reviews so u can build up your confidence in this system.. ill let u know, people are still skeptical about this but who isnt 100% trusting of products offered online… lol. I am 99% positive that this progam is better than free affiliate insider which all of you are having so many problems with.. give it a chance.
hope this is helpful,
I also signed up with FreeAffilaite Insider and had very little problems getting the website up and running. That piece took only a few days. I recieved my $100 credit and things were looking so good that I signed up for his marketing coop for $49.95 a month. That’s when things started going bad. The coop guarantees 3-10 “actions” per month for your website so if you only get the minimum you are still making $10 a month. The first month went fine, but June has been another story…I have only had 2 actions and cancelled the coop before it could take another $49.95 from my paypal account. I was a “newbie” and fell for the “I’ll do it for you” spiel. I just crossed the $250 threshold so on July 25th I should be recieveing my
$$$. I hope anyway. It was a good learning experience and now I see how things work a bit more clearly. I guess it was worth the money just to learn some of the inner workings of affiliate marketing, adwords and to practice marketing and driving traffic to my site. Like you all have been saying…use these programs wisely and always keep learning.
I figure if I can make minimally $20 a month net from a website that is a positive thing that you can build from and recreate over and over. The get rich quick ideas don’t work and never did.
One last thing…Does anybody have insight into these survey sights that say they will hook you up with advertisers who pay you for your opinion…Any credible ones out there?
While I was comparing blogs online, I discovered your blog – quite by accident. After reading several posts, I think this is a good blog.
I really liked your blog!
Update: My FreeAffiliateInsider website is now up an running. However, I have yet to see my first sale.
Hello…I am very intrigued by this blog and here are my reasons: Within the last few days an old acquaintance has been pushing very vigorously on Facebook to join in a “once in a lifetime opportunity”. It involves IJANGA which is a MLM pyramid scam. This persons name is Michael Besson…..Could this be the same individual who has just changed his name around to Beeson?? It seems to me that I read somewhere on the internet that this Affiliate Junction was in someway connected to IJANGA. Something smells very very fishy here….I look forward to any comments
Needless to say I’m disappointed. I had such high hopes for this website and the co-op.
Judging from what everyone is saying the co-op is not really bringing the traffic that you would expect.
It also seem like the only way you are going to get your $100 out is do all the offers yourself and hopefully get up to $250 so you can get your money out.
The only person got paid was Kerry back in May, I guess he hadn’t gotten another check, I don’t see a new post from him?
Looks like we have just wasted more money paying the co-op after all.
this website is a scam. If you still want to check it out go right ahead but stay away from the co-op program which charges a flat fee and will not even deliver enough sales to cover the monthly cost. And those leads that make you $20 from and he supposedly only makes a “small commission”, i went and investigated further and comes out he makes $10-$15 off every lead you bring while you make $20 and do all the work. If you are so determined to do this type of work in this industry is better to work for yourself and stay away from scumbags like “Michael Beeson”. You can get a website built to look like the one he gives for free with a minimal investment of $100-200. If you have any questions please contact me and learn from my mistake. you can email me at bass18hz(at)aol(dot)com.
Glad I stumbled on to this. We buy in to the belief that MAYBE there is JUST ONE person that is out there to try to HELP us and so we go ahead and GIVE IT A TRY.
That’s called a really GOOD “squeeze page”. Now you know why they call it that (or at least here in the USA marketing). They SQUEEZE ya.
I just signed up for the $1 Profitmatic campaign. Really, these are all getting simular. They give you marketing ideas (which is all over the web for free, just research, IF you sign up for their partner to send you info. Pretty soon you are getting tons of different GREAT CASH COW MONEY MAKING MACHINES!
UPSELL! Ya you can put up a website really quick, but in order to do an email campaign yu have to sign up for their email responder that costs what another 60 or so bucks, so you got admin fee, one time set up fee and monthly fee, and email autoresponder and BAM!
you are spending 100 bucks a month! And don’t forget that once you do they own your site. That is what the slash is. so if you didn’t get it cranking out bucks by personally sponsoring people, and missed a payment or fell on hard times, then they are gonna swoop up that domain and the cute clever name you dreamed up and make it your own. YOU BETTCHA!
Hey, don’t feel bad, I fell for the Michael Breeson thing too. I think I will push my domain back to my hostgator account and just work on the blogs the honest respectable way, like our Host, Petra. We could all do what Michael did and just get our own affiliate ID’s and put up our own buttons and reviews AND be able to add content on a regular basis, which Google likes.
But hey, always interesting to see what systems some of these guys dream up. Very thinly disguesed Pyramid schemes…heck, we could set one up ourselves…LOL ECK! Wherre is the integrity!
.-= robin´s last blog ..Niche Blog Profit Classroom =-.
Here is my experience;
Signed up to FreeAffiliateInsider on 7/23/2009 Right off the bat I noticed the hosting site BigBlueHosting gave me the wrong login. I emailed them 5 times and never got a reply.
Till this day I’m not able to get into my hosting that I paid $71 for 3 years .
Then I paid for the co-op I got 1/2 share for $27, on 7/28/2009. It has been 14 Days and no clicks what so ever.
I got $100 sitting there and I’m interested in getting that out. But I needed $250 before they will pay. So I decided to do more offers. I did 3 more offers and they only paid 2. I have sent them two emails attaching confirmation emails to all the offers, and explaining they have not paid for one of them, and asking them to update. No response.
Then I discover there are at least three offers on there that are from the same Acai company, so in other words if you have done one offer from that company you are not allowed to do another one. So even if I tried to do the other 5, I’m still missing 3, since he didn’t pay for that last one. to get my $160. If I don’t do all of them I can’t get up to $250, that means I won’t be able to get my $100 out.
So it seems they make it nearly impossible to get your $100 out, inspite of the grand gesture Michael had displayed about not taking any of your money; he is getting a commission from the Hosting, and the two offers that we did on our site, must have also gotten him paid, from our efforts. Not to mention the Co-op, that we paid and don’t see any results from.
He said he doesn’t need our money, but he is certainly getting paid plenty by us signing up. On the other hand we see nothing but pay for hosting and pay for shipping and pay for Co-op. So much for he doesn’t need our money, we certainly pay plenty and got nothing for our efforts.
I emailed Michael Beeson several weeks ago inquiring about what happens to the people who leave their name and email address(from my efforts) for the free ebook if you did not sign up for his autoresponder (Get Response)affilliate ? Have not received a reply. However, I continue to get emails form him about joining Free Affiliates or joining the co-op.
@Nelson, I used to get these emails, too, until I added Michael Beeson to my blocked senders list! 🙂
Its really saddening to hear that Petra. Thank goodness only $47 has been scammed from you but the times you spent for your site is really tiring. I must admit I am also into affiliate mktg myself and not only once that I stumbled into get rich quick system and got fooled also. But I won’t surrender till I make my first $100k in the net.
.-= stephen@small business grants´s last blog ..Sep 12, Small Business Registration New Jersey =-.
@Stephen, that’s the right attitude!
I can’t believe what I’m reading. With some close examination and some basic math, I know that some of the numbers on Michael Beeson’s website are hilarious. Two examples FROM HIS WEBSITE – NOT MY OPINION:
He posts a chart that’s supposedly from ‘one network’, showing thousands of dollars in earnings. Really?
How do you get 1172 clicks from 2 impressions? And a CTR of 58,600%! Hahahahahaha – a marketer’s CTR can never be more than 100%. And even 100% is a ludicrous number.
On another day, his chart reflects 1 impression, garnering 1622 clicks, with a CTR of 162,300%! I’m about to faint, I’m laughing so hard.
Bottom line? RUN-RUN-RUN-RUN
@John, thanks for your input! I hope we have prevented many people from falling into the same trap.
I have a E bay store and dot now how to build it. can u help me. James
@James, if you really want help email me at my contact address and explain a bit better what the problem is.
Thanks for your honest apology. In fact I will not recommend any affiliate program to anyone, Because I think affiliate business is not a correct business due to numerous facts
.-= Dofollow social Bookmarking´s last blog ..really funny jokes =-.
I’m skeptical of anything I see like this. I know they aren’t all bad though. It would be nice to have a list of the scams and the ones that honestly work.
Whenever I read something like this I feel less and less confident about the whole thing. Seriously. You can’t trust anyone these days.
Clarks Boots recently posted…Great Timberland Earthkeepers Cabot Tall Zip Boots For Women Review
Cool website.
I have to agree with you on the freeaffiliateinsider being a possible scam…That said, I have tried to log on to my members page since yesterday and now I get the 404 – URL not found message…grrrr..Keep up the fabolous work and progress…Best wishes and have a great day!!!
Rowena recently posted…No Win No Fee Compensation Claims
I really don’t know about all the details. But thanks for your post! This will really help others and also me.
Krysthal Wilson recently posted…Electric shock treatments can perk up romance
Great insights..Don’t worry to much,everything will be fine.Hope that your okay right now.Thank you for posting.
Nona recently posted…What Are Some Good Low-Carb Diets?
Ever thankful that I have read this post. Many ideas have been gathered for my internet marketing research.
Alicia recently posted…Understanding APR
You just had to sign up on the website…
I signed up with Oct 10, also under Michael Beeson & Bobby B , sometimes Micheal Benson. I paid $34., only to find I could have had it for $17. Then I discovered I had to pay more money to get set up, and sent an e-mail asking for my money back. Even when I click on the reply link in the numerous e-mails that have been flooding my inbox ever since, I get no reply. So much for the 60 day money back guarantee!