John Thornhill’s Personal Coaching Program – Weeks 11, 12 and 13
Yes, it feels like I am literally flying through John’s Coaching Program now! I actually managed to go through 3 weeks since mid March, whoa! Well, for me that’s really fast! 😉
In week 10 I finished my ebook on how to set up an SEO optimized WordPress blog and how to monetize it, and week 11 was about creating a free mini-course to go with my sales page. I called mine “Discover The 7 Secrets Of Successful Niche Affiliate Marketers” and you can access it at the bottom of my sales page.

In week 12 we started with different methods of generating traffic to your sales page. Now this was fairly easy for me, as this module was about writing and submitting articles, and I have done that in the past. Writing articles is really one of the most effective methods to get targeted visitors to your site. If you do your keyword research right and then write your articles centered around your chosen keywords, you have a very good chance of coming high up in the SERP’s (Search Engine Results Pages) and get organic traffic to your article. If it is cleverly written and has a good resource box with a link to your site, people might be inclined to click on your link to check out more from you – voila, a new visitor! Writing articles is fun and can be very rewarding. If you are looking to get more visitors to your site, you should definitely start doing it.

Be courteus and help each other
Week 13 was all about posting on forums and on blogs. Another great way of getting people to visit your site – by participating in forums specific to your niche and leaving a signature with your link in it every time you post. It is very important though that you do not spam, and that you actually contribute in a professional and helpful way – this will make people trust what you have to say, and they will feel more inclined to click on any links you might offer them.
The same applies to leaving comments on other niche related blogs. If you do it right, it can generate you some good backlinks to your own site, therefore boosting your SEO, and again generating traffic. BTW, you might not have noticed, but I have made my blog dofollow and enabled CommentLuv, so please feel free to leave me any comments and you will have a valid backlink to your site!
Well, that’s how far I am in John Thornhills Coaching Program. Without him, neither my blog nor my ebook would have been possible, and I owe him heaps. He is a great teacher, and his program is easy to follow. I had actually signed up for his “old” coaching program; he opened his new coaching program a few months back and it is a bit longer than the one I am subscribed to, so you will even learn more in that one. He is not taking any more students at the moment, but you can still sign up to be considered for the next Masterclass Program and you will know straight away when he re-openes and slots become available.
Category: Coaching Progress
I read a few posts and noticed that your blog has backlinks from other posts on your site
@Peter, that’s one aspect of SEO, of course you can (and should) interlink between your posts, they all count as links and every little bit makes a difference. Also it gives your readers an easy option of checking out more of your great content!
thanks for sharing this article i would like to join this program seems very useful for seo beginners like me.i learned lot here.thanks.
A nice article and in fact I’m trying to understand the technology to install a blog on my site. As to how to get links, all are useful and I think all methods have some value. The weight of each link varies according to the algorithm that each SE decides to launch in a particular month or year.