My New eBook Is Live!
For those who have followed my progress through John Thornhill’s Personal Coaching program, this will come as a bit of a surprise. Because – I have been going slower than at a snails pace, literally! Last week I finished off week 9 (Clickbank Approval) and started on week 10 (building Affiliate page) – but I started the program back in August last year! Talk about a long 10 weeks ๐
Here is the work of art: Affiliate Marketing S.O.S.

Affiliate Marketing SOS
One more reason for me to be really excited:ย I have put my all into this eBook and worked very, very hard at it. I am soooooo glad I made it through to get it finished and onto the Clickbank Marketplace! I had to literally learn all the technical aspects of writing a book with Open Office, and how to put in all the screen shots (there are plenty ofย it!), how to make a clickable Table of Contents (to really work out how to do this took me a few WEEKS!), how to insert footers etc…..
I think Affiliate Marketing S.O.S.ย turned out fantastic in the end,ย because I designed it to be understood by anyone entering the game of Affiliate Marketing, or wanting to step it up to the next level. Because I kept on adding things, changing things, until it was the best it could be (in my humble eyes, anyway! ๐ )
When I wrote the book I just thought about all the eBooks I have bought in the past and how I always expected them to be easily understood and doable even by ME, but literally every time I had to find out that there were parts that I just didn’t know yet, so I got stuck time and time again and could not go through with what I was supposedly being taught.
As a result, what you will find in my book are the steps I would have liked to see when I was learning. No technical mumbo jumbo talk, abbreviations and all that kind of stuff. Everything laid out in laymans terms, with plenty of graphics to make it even easier to follow.
I guess what I want to say now is – if you are new to Affiliate Marketing, or you are struggling to make things work, or you are confused and without real direction, then Affiliate Marketing S.O.S. can help you. I can help you.
So that’s it from me for today, I am off to keep working on my Affiliates page. After all, I would like to see that other people (you?) start recommending Affiliate Marketing S.O.S. to their friends and earn a massive 50% of the sale price by doing so. I hope to have the page up and running in the next few days (if my kids let me work in peace!).
See ya – from a very happy Petra ๐
Category: Announcements, Coaching Progress, My Products, Recommended
Hi Petra
I’ve just finished reading my review copy of ‘Affiliate Marketing SOS’ and have just one word to say….”Wow!!” (if that counts as a word!)
You are right, it is a work of art, I absolutely love it.
You have a serious winner on your hands here so get ready for a stampede of eager affiliates beating a path to your door desparate to promote it!
Best of luck
Follow my internet marketing adventure;
@Stuart, thank you so much for your kind words! I am glad you liked the book, it has cost me a lot of late nights! ๐
Hi Petra,
Stuart’s comment is really spot on.
Your no-fluff, twaddle or B.S. approach to writing makes this one of the most entertaining, informative and easiest guides to affiliate marketing I have ever read.
‘Affiliate Marketing SOS’ is sure to be opening the door for people wanting to earn an online income. I just CANNOT see how anybody will fail to do so by following your superb guide.
I, for one, will be using ‘Affiliate Marketing SOS’ as a money-making resource and will keep it on my desktop for reference.
Well done on such a tremendous work of art.
Kind Regards,