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The ultimate alternative to selling your ebooks on eBay!
You might have read in one or two of my earlier posts that I am doing a 16 week coaching program with eBay PowerSeller John Thornhill (planetsms). I am really making great progress, and what John has to offer is of great value to me and has always been of superior quality. I do highly […]

Global Cashflow Network – My Story 2
So here I was, the newest of Newbies to Internet Marketing, and I had just spend $4,495 USD to get 20,000 “targeted, unique visitors” to my site. (Read the first part of this story here). When I think about this now it makes me feel sick – here is a tip for any new Internet […]

WordPress – How to upgrade your version automatically
Since becoming an “addicted” and happy user of WordPress, how to upgrade to the newest versions was the one thing that kept worrying me. I mean, when you start out with your very first WordPress blog, you are usually so glad to have made it, until those little yellow bars start showing up in your […]

Taking a step back…
After spending 5 days in Adelaide with a sick grandmother, things have sort of fallen back into perspective a little. You know, we all work away hours in the day trying to make a living, instead of living our lives – and our lives just pass so quickly, and who knows how it all ends […]

John Thornhill’s Personal Coaching Program launches for the last time!
You might have read some of my posts about John Thornhill’s Personal Coaching Program – I am a proud member of it. A couple of days ago I got an email from John in my inbox where he announces that he will be launching his program for the last time on Tuesday November 4th at […]

John Thornhill’s Personal Coaching Program – am I still making progress???
Huhuh, long time no see here! You all sure think Petra has slacked off and once again done what happened so often in the past – started something at full speed to slow down “fast” to something like a crawl, until there was another program that bit the dust! Well, I am happy to tell […]
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