Recent Articles

Today’s motivation picture that says it all…
Have you ever felt like just giving up and going home? Like everything is just too much, and all you want is to be left alone? Well, no matter how you felt in the past, there are others who might just feel even worse… Don’t you want to take the little fella home and give […]

WordPress Privacy Policy – A must-have for AdSense users
Since late February this year it has been a requirement for all webmasters who are displaying Google AdSense ads on their websites or blogs to also display a privacy policy. As many website owners didn’t know this, there were quite a few who had their AdSense accounts banned from Google, which in some cases added […]

Make Money Blogging – The Niche Blogger (2)
Mid September I wrote to you about this awesome program that really shows you how to make money blogging. It is called “The Niche Blogger:. I still can absolutely recommend this program. The reason for this post today though is that Amy Bass (the clever head behind The Niche Blogger) has decided that the price […]

Learning from each other and sharing experience
I have just recently joined a very cool website. I think it has got the right approach to bringing likeminded , internet marketing oriented people together to help each other, exchange ideas, give advice and advertise. It has not been up and running very long yet, but is already having great success. It is free […]

The Internet Marketers Trap
When you start out on the Internet, trying to make money online, it is so easy to be completely overwhelmed by all the information you are receiving. On one hand it is a great situation to be in, to see all these opportunities opening up and to be able to pick and choose the ones […]

Global Cash Flow Network – My Story
I actually have to look up my credit card statements from last year to be able to recall the order of the programs I joined and tried to make money with. After the disaster with Data Entry Business, I was absolutely not ready to give up. I kept searching, and the next program I came […]

Tweet My Blog – Test Post
Hah, just installed Tweet My Blog and this is a test post to see whether it is working! Let’s keep your fingers crossed…

Find out how to create an avatar
An avatar is an image that is representing a person on the internet. You don’t need it, but it is great to see the avatars of other people you might chat with in discussion or help forums, on message boards, or who might be members on the same membership sites as you. Or take Twitter, […]

Installing A Husband
Read on – this is a real cracker 🙂 Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as […]
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