Recent Articles

Data Entry From Home – Update
Something quite unbelievable has happened – when I posted about my first “venture into making money online” , which was Data Entry from home, I had a link in there to a review of the company I joined, Data Entry Business. Of course I read through it before I posted it in my blog post. […]

John Thornhill’s Coaching – Week 5
We are in the midst of product creation now. It is actually very interesting! I had some trouble deciding what to write about, but I think I have narrowed it down. So I have started on my chapters, and just a little writing, but I think somebody might have to go over everything at the […]

Make Money Blogging – The Niche Blogger!
I have been trying to earn money online for about a year now, and have come across hundreds of programs, and signed up for thousands (so to speak). In all my time online, there has not even been a handful of programs which have blown me away and proven to be absolutely superior. 2 days […]

Free Twitter Report
After posting a link to a free report on Twitter on one of my earlier posts, I got a comment the day after that the link didn’t work! And truly, even I couldn’t make it work! I had no idea what had happened, it just said “xxx has been suspended”, or something similar. How about […]

John Thornhill’s Coaching – Week 4
Ok, here we go, getting slowly into the nitty gritty. This week is all about choosing your niche. Guess what, I have been trying to come up with a niche I could write about for the last 3 months, and have not been successful. But John’s Program wouldn’t be so good if he wouldn’t anticipate […]

My First Venture Into “Making Money Online”
The very first “money making program” I came across in my humble beginnings was – DATA ENTRY BUSINESS. It sounded good, solid, easy and with literally no knowledge required. They say all you have to do is to fill out simple web forms and can easily make $30 – $50 per form or so. No […]

The 30 Day Challenge – 30DC
You know, – I am suffering from what the majority of us (aspiring) Internet Marketers suffer from, and that is information overload. That is something that really can hold back any success you might be having otherwise. Because (and I think deep down we all know this) if we could just concentrate on ONE thing […]

Signed up with Twitter – the new cool social networking site – Tweet, Tweet!
I discovered Twitter just a few short days ago, even though I had heard of it a few times before. But a couple of days ago I decided to check it out. Twitter is a great new social networking site, and it is really fun and easy to use. I would say that what happens […]

Information Overload – The Email Inbox Trap
We all suffer from it, I am sure (especially if you are into Internet Marketing and sign up to every list, mini-course, newsletter and the likes): Information Overload – The Killer of Success Believe it or not, but the big IO is probably one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, Killer of Success for […]

In the beginning, there was only darkness and void….
It is hard to believe, but only a short year ago my brain contained a very dark, deep and hollow space that was labelled “Computer and Internet Knowledge”. I had no idea about anything to do with “that stuff”! O.K., I could what probably everybody who’s got a computer can do these days, and that […]
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