Recent Articles

How to make money from Resale Rights Products
I don’t know about you, but I have literally got a ton of Resale Rights Products sitting on my Hard Drive collecting dust. At the time I always thought that I had to have them (especially if you get them for free!), and in the end never came around to use them – and really […]

What is Bum Marketing?
Bum Marketing is a term that has been buzzing around the Internet Marketing community for a while, but some of you might not be quite sure what it means. It is quite simple, really: You are doing “Bum Marketing” when you are writing extremely keyword optimized articles or ads to promote affiliate products. Your sole […]

Keyword Marketing Research pays off! Page 2 on Google after 3 days!
Here is the living proof: keyword marketing research does pay off! To improve traffic to my website “Hawaiian Home Decor” I did some keyword research to write an article on Ezine articles. I came up with the keyword “Hawaii wallpaper” (5,400 searches/month, 23,400 competition on Google) and decided to write my article around that keyword. […]

John Thornhill’s Coaching – Week 6
I can’t help it, but I am starting to really fall behind in my coaching progress now. I am still only at the first quarter of my first ebook, and we are supposed to have it finished and proof-read by now! I guess I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I want to have […]

Keyword Marketing Research – How to pick a winner
One thing that every good internet marketer should have down pat is Keyword Marketing Research. Keywords are the center of all Internet Marketing. They are what people who browse the Internet type into the search box to find information on that topic. If you do your keyword marketing research right, you can generate a lot […]

Make screen shots for your blog, ebook and more – Take 2
Ah, there is just so much to learn on the Internet, and sometimes we jump at opportunities with both feet, only to realize later that we might have rushed in a little too soon. Like quite often in real life, really! Anyway, I am rambling because of a comment from a fellow internet marketer made […]

Make screen shots for your blog, ebook and more!
As I am creating my first ebook at this stage (sweat, sweat!), I have to make some screen shots to demonstrate certain step-by-step processes to make them easier to understand. My problem was that I had no idea how to do that! Well, John from www. showed me a site which makes it very […]

Looking to find backlinks? I found a FREE PR10 backlink!
Do you need to find backlinks for your website? I have come across this great little report about getting a FREE Page Rank 10 backlink! If you are into websites, you know about the importance of backlinks and page rank. I have downloaded the report myself (it is free, remember?), and I am impressed! Very […]

How To Increase Website Traffic – Submit Articles!
Just a quick note today as I have again – as usual – worked right into the middle of the night. I am tired and need to go to bed. Anyway, I did create my first website in February, My Beach Decor, and, to be successful, what my website needs the most is traffic. Traffic […]
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