The Best Free Website Tools – Just Zip It!

Free Website Tool "Just ZIP it!"
Okay, what I am going to talk about here isn’t actually a website tool, but it’s a great tool anyway!
I don’t know about you, but I have downloaded so many ebooks to my computer, and there are quite a lot that come zipped up. When I was still working from my partners computer, he had WinZip installed, so I used that to unzip the files. Which was ok, but not great. (My version of a great software is if you do not need to use any brain cells whatsoever to be able to operate it π ).
Anyway, when I evolved to my own pc – we did a “bulk buy” on ebay for a couple of old Desktop PC’s for about $100, so you can imagine what a piece of @#* it was – I was suddenly without a working Zip tool! Of course I looked into getting WinZip, as I knew the program (sort of) and could operate with it (I am a real sucker for “same old same old” and very comfortable with everything I know), but when I discovered that it cost some money I wasn’t prepared to pay that amount for it. I thought there has to be something else that will do the trick just as good.
So I started looking on the Internet. And came across a few different free Zip tools. And tried some just to be surprised that some of them were too complicated for me who wanted something really simple. I wasn’t impressed!!!
Until I came across Just Zip It – a very simple yet effective and FREE Zip tool that actually made me wonder if I missed out on a few important steps the first time I used it. Because it worked so simple compared to all the other Zip tools I had tried that I assumed something was wrong. Just to discover that it really is that simple, even I could operate it with no problems!:)
All you have to do is download the File, install it on your computer, and then whenever you download a zip file just right click on it, then click on “open with” and then on “Free Simple Zip Tool” (at least that’s what it says on my program Windows Vista) – and the file gets unzipped in seconds. It really is so simple, and I like it very much, so I thought I’ll tell you all about it.
Feel free to check it out.
Category: Website Tools
Yeah i complete agree with above post. Its a great free tool available, one great thing about it that its very simple to use. Anyone can use it without much knowledge and it works faster than others..
That’s what I really like about it – it’s simplicity and ease of use π
Thanks a lot Petra for such a nice tool. I downloaded it from internet and used, its really very easy anyone can use it without any expertise. Like other tool Winzip and WinRar..
I couldn’t agree more as I’ve just downloaded it, and used it for the first time. Wow! It’s really user-friendly!! I’d recommend it to anybody…
@Nelson, I love it because I am a bit of a sad case with stuff like that, and the simpler the better for me…. π
Petra, love the blog. You have done such a great job, I am not surprised you made it in the top 10 on your diet site. Thanks for this tip as well. I plan to try justzipit soon.
You are progressing well in Alex’s instructions.
.-= Gene ´s last blog ..A New Start =-.
@Gene, thanks! You have to consider though that this blog is just about a year old already, and is about 9 months old. So they have been around a little bit! Also, I am not progressing much at all in Alex’s program as I haven’t been able to listen to the calls at all. I am still trying to edit the free ebook! But I will pursue!
I think you will do well. I am having time conflicts was well. I think if we remember what Alex said in the first class, that this is not a race, than it will be OK. Perseverance is the big thing.
I have to admit, I “borrowed” your theme, I liked it so much. It is much better than my old one and has just the flexibility I am looking for.
BTW (here goes) Ich bin auch ein Deutschlander! (now don’t go writing a bunch of German as it was scraping back almost 35 years to High School to get that) My Father’s side of the family came from the Hannover area. There is a village called Ilten there and I think a soccer team named after it. We have been in America for over 100 years now. I feel that old at times.
Keep sticking with it.
.-= Gene´s last blog ..Trying a new look =-.
I am totally agree with your post. These tools are really very help full. Main thing is that these tools are easy to access, everyone can use them easily.
Joomla Programmer
thanks for sharing these tool, i am using these starting now and remove my other zip software
Just wondering if you’re going to do a follow-up on these great tools?? π
@Alternative, I will be adding more interesting tools as I come across them.
I downloaded it from internet and used, its really very easy anyone can use it without any expertise.thanks….
.-= christmas shopping breaks´s last blog ..Most famous Online shopping sites =-.
I will go for this tool by following your instruction. I always found productive information on your post. Thanks
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