Having to deal with Windows Vista problems….
Every time I think that I am finally going to make some progress with my Coaching Program, something else pops up and makes life just a bit harder! It’s like that ALL the time! I am the only one??? Sometimes I think I am going crazy! Today problems with Windows Vista threw a roadblock my way…
Today I made it into week 9 yippeeeeh!! (After my last post I have to bow my head in shame 🙁 , after all it is MARCH now!). We were going to create our thank you page and get Clickbank approval this week.
One of the tasks to perform was as simple as putting one folder on my desktop into another one by dragging and dropping. Something I have done before, but most of the time just by cutting and pasting, but nevertheless, not an action to be scared of – or so I thought!!! Turns out something simple like that can make your hair turn grey…
I have to say that I have got Windows Vista Home Premium on my computer. Now, every time I wanted to simply drag and drop my folder into the new folder, I was prompted that “Windows needs your permission to continue”. It looked like this:

Windows Vista Problems
So then I thought – I can do this! I just click on the continue button, no problem! But ALAS, another window popped up prompting that I need permission to perform this action.
Permission – from whom? I am the Administrator, I am the ONE and ONLY to access these files, never had a problem with any of this stuff, what’s changed??
Anyway, long story short, I had a few attempts and they all ended in failure. Such a simple task which should have taken one second turned into a couple of hours work and frustration.
I started researching on the Internet for Windows Vista problems and found quite a few posts about this particular annoyance (hah – me not crazy!), but none of the threads got me much closer to solve my problem. I learned an awful lot though about changing file permissions and security settings and stuff like that, had to reboot my computer and struggle with getting the settings on my monitor back to normal, but in the end I was still left with a task I couldn’t perform to keep going with my Coaching program!
Well, then I stumbled across this site and had a read through their suggestion to turn the User Account Control on or off, and ended up doing just what they suggested, and VOILA – everything worked fine!!! It was such a simple solution, but if you don’t know these things, you can spend hours in trying to fix life’s little problems, just like I did today.
That said, I had to (and still have to) really learn everything from scratch, and even if it can make you feel very frustrated and stuck at times, I have noticed that if you really want to know something or solve a problem, if you keep at it you will eventually find the answer. And it is such a good feeling when you do! 🙂
I never had planned to do a post today, this happened just “out of the blue” because I had to vent my frustration and then my relief when everything was back to normal and I could continue with what I had to do. Whilst this post might not concern most of you, there might be just the odd reader of mine whom this information might help one day….
Category: Coaching Progress
Yeah that vista Issue caused us loads of problems when i was in my Final year of university. It took a while before one of us found the problem to remove the permissions systems. Once that was done it opened up the use of the system. Still a damn resource hog though and I am personally still using XP Pro. It’s good and stable. But if you want a nice alternative to a windows and you do not fancy iMac prices you could try Ubuntu. Its a free linux OS and has big support from the community
@Brendan, thanks for the info! 🙂
Have just been reading about the “horrors” of Windows Vista – knew nearly nothing about this quirky OS until yesterday, when I purchased a laptop w/ Vista Home Premium (32 bit) for my daughter who just started college. I would have gone with XP but that was $150 extra!! Now, I see why…
I have yet to see Vista, but am already dreading the problems with UAC. (yes, I know there are numerous other issues)
Someone PLEASE tell me why, while so many hate UAC, am I being so strongly warned about disabling it?
It’s not on XP; so if I disable UAC on Vista, does that make the systems equally vulnerable?? (or in my case, equally… just fine – I’ve had no issues I couldn’t fix on XP so far.)
If not, why is the system more at risk when running Vista??
@Laura, unfortunately I cannot give you any answers to your questions because I am not an expert, but maybe somebody else can. I haven’t had any problems but this one (so far). I can only tell you that I love Windows Vista and have been very happy with it.
Laura I am not sure either because I’ve not used Vista much but pretty connected with the Tech world. You may ask in forums like TechRepublic etc there are experts. Google for the site.
Few days ago also I read a post a user posting about problems regarding UAC, you’re familiar to Internet so you quickly googled it and found it while kids and some newbies will still have troubles with User Account Control and I think this is one of the criticisms of Vista. Anyway, I am sure many people would love Windows 7 even more because I’ve heard it’s a lot faster than Vista. So wait for it but don’t rush for it unless it’s fully released and there are some good reviews about it, but if you’re happy with your Vista great then because getting another OS installed or upgrading is a mess.
I used to have similar issues that continued till I decided to move back to my XP, now that windows 7 is available I can see that many of these issues are fixed
.-= Eugene@Hardware´s last blog ..Realtek AC97 Audio Driver – Windows XP =-.
I think Windows 7 is much better than Windows Vista, although windwos 7 is still found some issues.
that notorious UAC box is one of the top annoyances in Vista. Some fellow in Microsoft explained that XP had security issues before because of some programs that contain threats and just get executed by just doubleclicking on it. They opt for this solution to somewhat tell the users to be aware about potential dangers that these kind of programs can cause. However, most Vista users just ignore what it says and hit continue anyway so I say, same old problem. Good thing in Win7, they have this level of security so this pop up wont come up everytime you do something serious on your computer.
I find your top search terms list interesting. It?s not the type of terms I would expect that would drive people here.
I have a do follow blog but I haven?t had a lot of people find me that way. I searched for ?dofollow? and your site didn?t come up in the top 100 so I am surprised that was a top search term for you
You may call me outdated, but XP is my terminal matter of choice. After all those Vista issues while setting the network, no thanks!
.-= Alex@Hair Loss Products´s last blog ..Ethnic Hair Types & Hair Care Products =-.
you know what? guess its just only 2 times I’ve installed windows vista (on clients PC) its because of its irritating slow processing. so I really dont bother myself working with vista 🙁
.-= Gamboa´s last blog ..Computer turns itself off after 2 seconds. Why? =-.
Windows Vista is good but it can hog your CPU and Memory.;”`
I think Windows Vista is not very good in comparison to its predecessor “Windows XP” and its successor “Windows 7”. But if you want to keep using Windows Vista, you should try the tutorials in optimizing Windows Vista.
.-= Andreas@PS3 Reviews´s last blog ..Dragonball: Raging Blast 2 =-.
I agree with u that Vista has a lot of bugs and security holes in system.I had a lot of problems with it until i get 7,and now i have no problems at all.User account control is annoying,but u can disable it.Cheers.
It is a great relief to find the “cure” of the said dilemma you had. I for one isn’t an expert but I have my husband to guide the way as he is a guru in that one. I hated the idea of being alone with technology.
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