Recent Articles

Important Life Lessons For Internet Marketers
The other day I was browsing through my ever overflowing email inbox, and I came across one of good ‘ol Travis from the Bum Marketing Method (remember, he is one of the one’s who’s list I kept subscribed to – thanks, Travis!! 😉 ) which compelled me to have a quick look (his subject line […]

Happy New Year To All My Readers!
I wish you all a great start into a very Happy New Year! May it be happy, healthy and prosperous for all of you, and may it bring you the success in Internet Marketing that you all deserve! Here is a recipe of an “out of this world” fabulous dip to be had with bread/chips/vegetables […]

Building Niche Websites – Progress Report
Well, it’s been a couple of months or so since I decided that building niche websites will be what I will do to create an income online for myself. since I have put my new niche website about Mens Wrist Watches Online, and I am very slowly building backlinks to it to improve its rankings. […]

Bloggers Help Each Other Out….
…..and that’s exactly why I am doing this today. My online blogger friend from the blog has joined a contest, and because I believe that she is a nice person and bloggers should help each other, I am posting a link for her right here. Oes tsetnoc Now, you might be wondering what this […]

Comments – What Happens When They Flower…
I have to say since my PR increased to 3 the amount of comments I get here on the blog has gone up quite a bit. So clearly my commentators want to take advantage of my DoFollow, CommentLuv, KeywordLuv and Top Commentator “offerings”! Which is great, that’s exactly what they are here for. The only […]

I hope I am back now…
Just wanted to apologize to all of you who have been commenting on a regular basis – I am still manually approving all the comments, and as I had computer problems lately I had days at a time when I could not access any of my data or log in to my sites. The rebuilding […]

Welcome To Your Worst Nightmare….
…. and I have lived to tell the tale! What would be one of the worst things to happen to an Internet Marketer addicted to the Internet? Who’s holy grail is the computer/laptop? – A COMPUTER CRASH! That’s right! Complete and utter non-functioning of vital systems and tools. So there is nothing else to do […]
Creating Fresh Content For Your Blog – The Easy Way!
You will probably not believe me when I tell you that I only just realized what I am going to tell you!!! — That sounds funny, but it’s exactly how it is! If you have a blog and are trying to maintain it, you will most likely be struggling with creating fresh content on a […]