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WordPress How To … Videos!
Today I am going to throw you just a “Quickie” đŸ˜‰ – I went on Twitter to tweet a little, and I found this tweet about WordPress How To Videos! I had absolutely NO idea that this even existed, and I thought it was so great that I wanted to let you know about it. […]

John Thornhill – A Look Behind The Scene!
If you have been a visitor to my blog in the past, you might have seen that I am in the process of doing John Thornhill’s 16-week personal coaching program. Now, I did not know John Thornhill much before I signed up to his coaching program, he just sounded genuine enough for me to hand […]

Get Backlinks To Your Site Or Blog – Comment On The “Right” Blogs!
If you have a blog or website, how to get backlinks to your site should be one of your priorities in the game of search engine optimization (SEO). Backlinks (links from other sites or blogs that are pointing to your site) are telling the search engines that your site is worth something – after all, […]

Keyword Marketing Research – Some Great Information!
Just today I came across a post written by a fellow Internet marketing “girl” and I thought straight away that I wanted to share it with you. It is about Keyword Marketing Research and contains some super tips on how to do it.
Get Backlinks To Your Site Or Blog – CommentLuv and KeywordLuv
I have to throw this post in as a follow up on my previous post on how to get backlinks to your site or blog. I have to admit, I have been a little sneaky. I knew what I am about to reveal already before and could have posted it straight away, I just thought […]